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Bournemouth (h), 11/4/06

Reports and reaction from the 2005-06 season as Walsall finished 24th (R) in League 1
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Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:58 pm

I'm still trying to work out why he sent out a team with 8 defenders or defensive midfielders on to the pitch, taking into account we'd failed to score in 12 of our previous 18 league matches before tonight...

I'll accept we were unlucky, but if you send that type of side out, then you deserve everything you get to be honest.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:59 pm

For once I hardly disagree with a word Phil says. There has got to be big changes at Walsall, soon, otherwise we may as well just turn off the lights and go home.

Bonser is bleeding this club dry while sitting and watching the playing side wither and die. Why the fudge does he care if we go down ? He'll still pack the Bonser Suite out for the sportsmans dinners, he'll still flog his VSA game to anybody stupid enough to shell out, and most of all, the rent cheque will still be the first one wrote out each month. He's sorted, why worry about a minor thing like how the football side is doing.

Just put the wholse lot, lock stock and barrel, up for sale at a realistic price Bonser and attract a buyer that just may have more in mind than a retirement in the sun. you've ballsed up big time and now we're all paying.

As for the players, well, I have never felt less affinity with a bunch of players in my life. Okay, there are one or two that try a bit harder than the others but all in all I wouldn't give a cack if they all were shown the door. "Professional, you're having a laugh, professional, you're having a laugh".

I gave Broadhurst the benefit of the doubt from the start, anything was better than continuing with Merson. But he's burnt his bridges tonight. What kind of formation is that for a team at home looking for the win ? And as fot taking Claridge off ! I've never been more incensed with such a bloody stupid, pathetic, clueless substitution in my life. If he's the answer can someone tell me what the question is ?

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:01 pm

geoffwhiting wrote:The second half absolutely definitely deserved some reward. We've scored a pefectly good goal, the ball from Westwood's header was a good foot over the line.

Was it as clear cut as that from where you were sitting, Geoff? This is where I'm prepared to concede some ground on the "deserved" argument. If we have scored and been robbed of that goal by an incompetent official, then we deserved a point. From my vantage point in the middle of the HLF stand I had to give the benefit of the doubt to the linesman.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:03 pm

Scat on the pitch...Scat on the pitch...(Scat in the dugout too)

A true shambles. i don't know why everyone is raving about the second half performance - they lads ran around like headless chickens. Absolute dross - yet again. KB clearly has not got support from the players, and he has lost the fans. Tonight was the loudest Bescot has been in a while, and it was vicious towards Broadhurst. Deservedly so - because the football he delivers is shite. I was speaking to Kris Taylor's old man at half time and after the game, he hasn't seen us for a while with Kris being at Burton, but he said he's seen better football on a Sunday morning. I've played better than half the players over the last few games - and anyone who has ever seen me play football can appreciate the shiteness that Walsall FC now represent.

The rot had already set in in the bar before the game. Horace came around with the team sheets, and I think there was a genuine interest. Will Ishmel start? Will there be pace in the side? Will there ever! The line-up was one dimensional and unambitious. Keates as the wide man of a midfield three? It was bad enough with him being a winger, but asking an average midfielder to cover double the amount of ground is ridiculous. Keates was awful, don't get me wrong, but he isn't the player that he was asked to be. Better than Kris Taylor? Don't make me laugh, Merson/Broadhurst.

What has happened to PabloMills? Superb when he first came - now positively obese. Slow, and too quick to look for a long ball. He made Roper look like Baresi today.

As Phil says, what is scary is that, on the showing of the last 4 games, we would struggle to beat teams in the league below. If KB is manager next year, then I do worry for us. I'd love to be proved wrong...and any KB lover is free to mock me for this in a years time when we have won the League Two title, but I don't like the guy. He's like Colin Lee circa February 2003, without the skill, and without the excuses.

So to the team...

Oakes - Superb. Has been in a great form for a couple of months now. If we are to do the impossible, this form has got to keep up.

Fox - Shocking. How we miss Zigor Aranalde! A full back who knows how to overlap! Do they not teach this skill in Premiership academies.
Pead - Tried hard...looked like he had something to prove. Didn't help out enough in the final third for my liking. More solid defensively than Fox, though.
Westwood - Played well. Looked to be one of the few who gave a flying f**k.
Roper - Awful. Again. Gave away a needless penalty - he's playing like 'George' used to play in 1996.
Mills - cack. Can't pass. Weak in the tackle. Average in the air. This guy was once tipped to play in the Premiership? Don't make me laugh. He'll be lucky to find a league club next season based on tonight.

Keates - Tried. But he's crap. He's a Fourth Division player, no worse, no better. Was asked, yet again, to play a role which isn't his game.
Osborn - Tidy enough, and was the only one of the midfield three who brought the ball forward. Final ball was poor though.
Leary - Lazy. Looked tidy enough on the ball, but was weak in the tackle.

Constable - Fluffed a golden opportunity. Got into decent positions, but his first touch is raw. He needs one to bounch in off his arse.
Claridge - Superb. Ran his socks off, created havoc. Imagine what he could have done with a little bit of pace and awareness around him!


Ishmel - Should have started. Then should have come on at half time. Replaced Claridge with 15 left, and looked lost playing up front.
Timm - With a team looking desperately for a final ball, the so called "most creative player" in League One was given 5 minutes. A joke.

Can't believe we have cocked up so many games in hand. We deserve to go down. Pathetic players, and a pathetic pair of managers - all looked over by Bonser. The buck stops with him. He's had 5 or 6 chances to stop the rot since the winter of 2003 - he has messed up every time.

We are a poor side - not technically, because our players are very good. A team with Osborn, Kinsella, Timm and Claridge being relegated to League Two? Some of the classiest players in the league. Its shocking, but the fact remains that we are now, as good as, relegated. Saturday and Monday need to be big, confidence boosting wins - they won't be. Dave Penney and Martin Foyle were around tonight - they must be laughing all the way home. Brian Little was there tonight as well, he must be thinking how awful his side is if they can lose to our shower.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:06 pm

Jorge14 wrote:Scat on the pitch...Scat on the pitch...(Scat in the dugout too)

A true shambles. i don't know why everyone is raving about the second half performance - they lads ran around like headless chickens. Absolute dross - yet again. KB clearly has not got support from the players, and he has lost the fans. Tonight was the loudest Bescot has been in a while, and it was vicious towards Broadhurst. Deservedly so - because the football he delivers is shite. I was speaking to Kris Taylor's old man at half time and after the game, he hasn't seen us for a while with Kris being at Burton, but he said he's seen better football on a Sunday morning. I've played better than half the players over the last few games - and anyone who has ever seen me play football can appreciate the shiteness that Walsall FC now represent.

The rot had already set in in the bar before the game. Horace came around with the team sheets, and I think there was a genuine interest. Will Ishmel start? Will there be pace in the side? Will there ever! The line-up was one dimensional and unambitious. Keates as the wide man of a midfield three? It was bad enough with him being a winger, but asking an average midfielder to cover double the amount of ground is ridiculous. Keates was awful, don't get me wrong, but he isn't the player that he was asked to be. Better than Kris Taylor? Don't make me laugh, Merson/Broadhurst.

What has happened to PabloMills? Superb when he first came - now positively obese. Slow, and too quick to look for a long ball. He made Roper look like Baresi today.

As Phil says, what is scary is that, on the showing of the last 4 games, we would struggle to beat teams in the league below. If KB is manager next year, then I do worry for us. I'd love to be proved wrong...and any KB lover is free to mock me for this in a years time when we have won the League Two title, but I don't like the guy. He's like Colin Lee circa February 2003, without the skill, and without the excuses.

So to the team...

Oakes - Superb. Has been in a great form for a couple of months now. If we are to do the impossible, this form has got to keep up.

Fox - Shocking. How we miss Zigor Aranalde! A full back who knows how to overlap! Do they not teach this skill in Premiership academies.
Pead - Tried hard...looked like he had something to prove. Didn't help out enough in the final third for my liking. More solid defensively than Fox, though.
Westwood - Played well. Looked to be one of the few who gave a flying f**k.
Roper - Awful. Again. Gave away a needless penalty - he's playing like 'George' used to play in 1996.
Mills - ****. Can't pass. Weak in the tackle. Average in the air. This guy was once tipped to play in the Premiership? Don't make me laugh. He'll be lucky to find a league club next season based on tonight.

Keates - Tried. But he's crap. He's a Fourth Division player, no worse, no better. Was asked, yet again, to play a role which isn't his game.
Osborn - Tidy enough, and was the only one of the midfield three who brought the ball forward. Final ball was poor though.
Leary - Lazy. Looked tidy enough on the ball, but was weak in the tackle.

Constable - Fluffed a golden opportunity. Got into decent positions, but his first touch is raw. He needs one to bounch in off his arse.
Claridge - Superb. Ran his socks off, created havoc. Imagine what he could have done with a little bit of pace and awareness around him!


Ishmel - Should have started. Then should have come on at half time. Replaced Claridge with 15 left, and looked lost playing up front.
Timm - With a team looking desperately for a final ball, the so called "most creative player" in League One was given 5 minutes. A joke.

Can't believe we have cocked up so many games in hand. We deserve to go down. Pathetic players, and a pathetic pair of managers - all looked over by Bonser. The buck stops with him. He's had 5 or 6 chances to stop the rot since the winter of 2003 - he has messed up every time.

We are a poor side - not technically, because our players are very good. A team with Osborn, Kinsella, Timm and Claridge being relegated to League Two? Some of the classiest players in the league. Its shocking, but the fact remains that we are now, as good as, relegated. Saturday and Monday need to be big, confidence boosting wins - they won't be. Dave Penney and Martin Foyle were around tonight - they must be laughing all the way home. Brian Little was there tonight as well, he must be thinking how awful his side is if they can lose to our shower.

quality report mate some very good points which could start alot of threads!

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:11 pm

I've just had a disagreement with my old man coz of you lot.

He reckons we were okay in the first half and certainly weren't outplayed and shouldn't have been buried out of sight by half time. Either way, we were better in the 1st half today than we were on Saturday he thought.

Whilst 2nd half he thought we absolutely ran the show and would have won it in the 2nd half alone had the Ref not made 2/3 very poor decisions...

9 times out of 10 I'd go with my old man, but I don't see anyone else saying that and Radio WM / Radio Solent (I kept switching between the 2) didn't seem to give that impression.
Last edited by Stu on Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:13 pm

booster cogburn wrote:
philthesaddler wrote:It's the way it is though, Bonser has crippled us, and we're paying for it now.

Come on someone, I'm too tired.

We're right on the verge of coming back to some semblence of normality. The debts hanging over the club are manageable and for that we have to thank Bonser (I know, not really). He's gone for the no pain no gain. We look like rubbish at the moment, but I said on here a couple of years ago that we either take it on the chin and rationalise quickly or go for the slow option. In this case Bonser went for the full-on belt-tightening option, and while it's not come off as well as it could have on the playing side, it's got to be making a difference behind the scenes as we've trimmed the high wage earners and can trade to clear debt instead of accumulate more of it.

I don't agree he's done everything as well as he could (Fryatt sale being a prime example) but he's stood by the club as far as he can, lending to it (which the bank wouldn't) when we needed it, so he's entitled to his money back. That's it really. I'm as angry as anyone about where we are in the table, and I'd point the finger at Merson over Bonser every day of the week - apart from having to sell off our finest, which I'm sure was foisted upon him, he's the one who collected the sqaud and managed them to oblivion. It's a shame KB hasn't stepped up to the plate in this regard, as I'm sure there's more to them than the last couple of games have shown.

I really wish he'd sold up when he could though.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:16 pm

Stu wrote:I've just had a disagreement with my old man coz of you.

He reckons we were okay in the first half and certainly weren't outplayed and shouldn't have been buried out of sight by half time. Either way, we were better in the 1st half today than we were on Saturday he thought.

Whilst 2nd half he thought we absolutely ran the show and would have won it in the 2nd half alone had the Ref not made 2/3 very poor decisions...

9 times out of 10 I'd go with my old man, but I don't see anyone else saying that and Radio WM / Radio Solent (I kept switching between the 2) didn't seem to give that impression.

Geoff W was saying that, Stu, scroll up.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:18 pm

Utter disgrace. People around me kept saying. "well it's been a better second half..." LOOK AT THE OPPOSITION FOR GOD SAKE, THEY WERE CRRRRAP. Well both B***** and B********* and p*** off now.

I'm so pleased we appointed a man with 'coaching badges' because, clearly that's what we needed, and what a difference it's made. Probably the players are now too fit to do themselves justice.

If these much vaunted 'coaching badges' which people constantly blather on about are so good can somebody, anybody, explain to me the improvement they've brought about to our overall performances? Is there a badge issued for hoofing the ball up in the air and hoping for the best? Or is that covered in the section, ' Hoofing the ball into the air and hoping for the best.' Coaching badges my arse. What the f*** are they? Bits of f****** paper dished out by people who wouldn't know one end of a corner flag from another, from the comfort of an office chair, that's what they are.

As for our esteemed owner, Come on Jeff, let's have an open meeting, in the B***** Suite. Tell us what the plan is, help me to understand what you're aiming to achieve. I'm sure there must be a method to this madness, so please, enlighten me.

A win against Port Vale will give us some hope.
Last edited by Salop Saddler on Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:20 pm

Nah, Geoff W said that Bournemouth should have been out of sight by half time, but my old man denied that completely.

But Geoff is nearest to what my old man said tonight, but has a very different view on the events in the 1st half.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:21 pm

Stu wrote:I've just had a disagreement with my old man coz of you.

He reckons we were okay in the first half and certainly weren't outplayed and shouldn't have been buried out of sight by half time. Either way, we were better in the 1st half today than we were on Saturday he thought.

Whilst 2nd half he thought we absolutely ran the show and would have won it in the 2nd half alone had the Ref not made 2/3 very poor decisions...

9 times out of 10 I'd go with my old man, but I don't see anyone else saying that and Radio WM / Radio Solent (I kept switching between the 2) didn't seem to give that impression.

I can see where your old man is coming from, Stu.
Claridge missed a chance about 10 before half time when it would have been easier to score, and Constable fluffed a peach of a chance 2 minutes before their goal.
However, Oakes had to make two superb saves, one from the penalty, and one from 5 yards out, in the first half.

I think when we got the ball down on the deck, we did run the show in the second half. However, we didn't do that enough. We tried to attack through long balls, which is fine when there is alot of pace surrounding the front two, but not when you have a side which makes Vinny Samways look like an olympic sprinter.

A shocking decision, though, from the linesman to rule out a superb header from us in the second half. From my view, right on the angle, it was clearly over the line. Had the linesman done his job and got level with the ball, he'd have been fine...but he was behind play.

A mixture of being robbed, and just being cr@p.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:29 pm

That linesman was behind play all game. The reason he didn't give virtually any offsides first half was because he was yards behind play.

Yeah, okay, we showed a bit more urgency in the second half, but ran the show ? and deserved the point ? Give me strength ! Nobody makes themselves available for a pass, nobody makes a run into the box to cause problems and create options. It's one dimensional, clueless rubbish. If that is the sum of Broadhursts tactical knowledge then he may as well go now. We'll replace him with a supporters co-operative, we'd have more clue (and by God, wouldn't those team talks be interesting ?) Throwing teacups ? I'd throw the fudge kettle at half them wasters.

London Saddler

Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:16 pm

Another irrelevant performance in another irrelevant game. Its like death by torture rather than execution. We made Yeovil look like Real Madrid. We made Blackpool look like Brazil. We made Bristol City look like AC Milan. Today we made Bournemouth look like Barcelona

All the clubs in our division will be anxiously scanning the football fixtures for the remaining season. For Wasall FC are a guaranteed 3 points, and a chance to help the goal difference. Those to play us will be rubbing their hands in glee at a guaranteeed 3 points and those that don't have to play us will be cursing their luck

Out of all the rubbish teams we play in our run in, Bournemouth are the worst. Yet they should have have won by at least 3 or 4 goals. We played an incredible stupid 5-3-2 in the first half. This in a game we desperately needed to win and we were at home. And to top it of, the team was stuffed full of defensive slow players. Zero pace. Zero width. In the first half Bournemouth ripped us to pieces and Oakes yet again made several world class saves including the penaulty. The goal was typical Walsall. Ball from a set piece, free header in back of net and our supposed centre halves Roper, Mills and Westwood standing around doing nothing. Forget anything you have heard about the 2nd half. Bournemouth relaxed realising they were playing the worst side in the division. Mr Joke Nobody (Broadhurst) changed to 4-4-2. And we had a bit more possession. Dont be shocked but we actually had 2 shots on target on goal. But it was still completely absymally dreadful garbage. I knew we wern't going to score and everyone in the ground knew we were not going to score. Yet Mr Joke Nobody left his substitutions to the end. And then he bought of Claridge for Demon who went up front. And Madds Timm didnt come on till 5 mins from the end

Defensively yet again we were complete and utter shambles. Oakes of course the MOM. Fox as usual was the worst player on the pitch. For me he has been not only the worst player of the season, but the worst left back i have seen at the club. Virtually every attack came from his side. Didn't tackle, out of position always and hoofed ball either into touch or to one of their players. In a back 5, he hung around the LHS of the box so their right winger always got the ball in plenty of space and always had loads of time to cross the ball. I know it was Ropers pathetic tackle that led to the penaulty but guess why it occurred? Simple ball over the top to RHS. Fox nowhere to b seen as usual and Roper having to run across to cover for him and stop their player who had run into the box. Like all our loan players, Mills has now gone back to garbage. Like Leary, Timms, James etc, he has had a couple of good games at the start of loan and now looks like Roper after Roper has had 20 pints. He was so pathetic it defied belief. Ropes himself continues his poor form. Westwood varied from poor to below average. Pead gave 100% but that doesnt stop him looking like the non league player standard he is

Midfield was a disgrace and disaster as usual. Leary can't pass, can't tackle without giving away a foul, has no pace, can't head the ball. Osbourne did nothing apart from little backward passes. Keates showed that whilst Wrack is away, he will be president of the Headless Chicken society (i.e. running around looking busy without exactly doing anything). Thats why when he left us, Keates went to 3 division 2 teams- Hull(could not get in their team), Kidderminister and Lincoln. He is an average division 2 player. Problem is when you have no pace upfront and no Demon, no Wright, no James in the side, you have no pace. And how it shows. Midfield get the ball and stand around. They don't have the skill nor pace to beat their man. They don't have the skill to play a killer ball. So they pass it back to the defense. And what did Fox and rest of defense do. They hoof it to either one of the Bournemouth defenders or out of play. There was no options for the man with the ball. No movement no thought. Whereas Bournemouth had no problems putting 15 passes together to oles from their fans

Up front Constable tried (which is more than Barrowman and Fitzerald have done in the several games they have played). Claridge worked his socks off. Zero service for the pair

I have been proved exactly right in my assessment of the team and i think it is the worst team in the division. We will finish bottom as the Franchise is a better team than us and like the other strugglers actually try, actually score the odd goal and actually win the odd game. This is actually the worst Walsall team i have seen at this level in my 25 years or so supporting this team. There should be a competition now called guess the game that Walsall FC score a goal. I said in my last post that we should appoint Chris Nicholl this summer. In fact i think we should appoint him now so he knows the task of the job before him

Todays game and the state of this football club was summed up from the chants directed at Broadhurst from the fans which were 'Are you Merson in disguise'

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:33 pm

Stu wrote:I've just had a disagreement with my old man coz of you lot.

He reckons we were okay in the first half and certainly weren't outplayed and shouldn't have been buried out of sight by half time. Either way, we were better in the 1st half today than we were on Saturday he thought.

Whilst 2nd half he thought we absolutely ran the show and would have won it in the 2nd half alone had the Ref not made 2/3 very poor decisions...

9 times out of 10 I'd go with my old man, but I don't see anyone else saying that and Radio WM / Radio Solent (I kept switching between the 2) didn't seem to give that impression.

Well Stu, your old man is 100% correct, and I haven't got a clue what game people on this thread actually went to, because it's not the one I saw. Were circumstances different, I'd be saying that it was a very entertaining game, which we completely dominated, giving our best home performance for months, and we were desperately, desperately unlucky to lose. Of course, circumstances aren't different, so it's just another nail in the coffin, but we played well tonight.

First half, Bournemouth shaded, but no way did we deserve to be several goals down, as people have suggested. We were desperately poor, but infinitely better than on Saturday, and Bournemouth were also desperately poor; it was only thanks to a freak goal that they were in front.

The second half was played virtually exclusively in Bournemouth's half. Sadly we simply didn't create enough clear-cut chances, but that's because Bournemouth were 1-0 up and so had 11 men behind the ball the whole time. Osborn ran the show in the middle, Claridge was simply outstanding up front, his movement, determination and craftiness being just spot on what we needed, Leary and Keates were effectively breaking up the play whenever Bournemouth got the ball, the very few times they broke into our half, Roper, Westwood and Mills dealt with everything with no worries at all - but the way the team was set up, we simply couldn't find a way through, with no width at all.

I've been heavily critical of Broadhurst after recent matches, and must be so again. We played with two big chaps up front, but with no wingers - what!? Why? Our two substitutions removed the best two players on the pitch by a country mile - what!? Why?

If he'd done the right thing at half time, taken off one of the superfluous centre backs and brought on a winger, I think we'd have won. I'm clearly a lone voice (apart from Stu's dad) in the wilderness here, but I think we played poorly for 45 minutes, brilliantly for 45 minutes, and despite everything, if we play like we did for the second half over the remaining five games, you just never know, we might pick up some wins.

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Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:34 pm

Were do you start....

Five at the back?
no width?
no overlapping?
Really thought Leary's name was O'Leary as every time he had the ball i thought Ohhhhhhhhhh Leary :evil:
Fox?............. Ziggy was never that bad
Keates, trying.....VERY trying
Constable, i have seen better over King George's on a sunday morning

I give up

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:02 am

Even after drowning the sorrows I am still gutted by what went on tonight.

First the game First half it was 5-3-2 not 3-5-2 and to put this into perspective we were playing a struggling team in a must win game at home. Using 5 defenders and two of the three midfielders acting as defensive players, it is surely not the way to approach a must win game at home.
There must have been no/ very little training done to help the players adat to this formation in training, as every time they attacked in the first half the seemed to have the freedom of their right side and Roper, Mills and Fox seemed clueless to where they were playing and more importantly who they were marking.
The first half was a case of we get ball we lose ball & they attack on a loop for 45 minutes.

Second 45 was much more promising from us, we attacked them and had a clear cut penalty fo a handball denied; aswell as Westwoods header which in my view- from Block C of Banks's was over the line. But did we really deserve a point as many have suggested... to be honest I'd say no- the only time we looked a threat was when we had a corner or a free kick from a crossing angle- where we could get the likes of Westwood & Roper up. I think we could still eb there now waiting for either Keats to score a free kick or us to score from open play.


Oakes: Some great saves- on a great run of form.
Fox: Seems to have lost it since his pal was sacked and since the injury
Pead: Looked like he wanted to win, and he wanted to play for the club, one of the better players tonight
Mills: In my view seemed to be non-existant in the 2nd half and didn't do too much to make me give him praise in the first- didn't look a bit like the Mills who we signed.
Roper: To be honest apart from the foul for the penalty I can't remember him doing much wrong. Although every time he got the ball in a comfortable postition he either long balled it or make a simple pass look hard.
Westwood- Has had his critics but other than Clarridge was the best outfield player tonight- should have had the goal and defended well.
Keats: "He Tries Bless him" Shame effort doesn't equal ability, not up to this league- Definatly shouldn't be captain.
Osborn: Pick of the midfield- even though that doesn't mean a lot- wanted to attack & looked for the forward pass.
Leary: Dived for a penalty when in the box for one- two looked unfit and unwilling to chase, didn't look like he had a clue how to use the ball.
Constable: Tries, works hard, jumps for headers, wins knock ons- but still needs a bit of development to make him a goalscorer in the Football League though.
Claridge- As above (without the development bit) reminded me of Jorge with his willingnes to run, even at his age. Man of the Match for me and I can't believe he was subbed off.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:08 am

WFC_Rob wrote:
coxy_saddler wrote:Ok 2nd half was alot better, fight was there..But no end product.

Sums us up at the moment. Dare I say it, if Fryatt had been playing tonight, we'd have got at leaat a point. First half, we were awful, second half we really put them under pressure. I don't neccessarily think the defence were that bad tonight. Pead played like he had a point to prove - what was disappointing was the fact that he had nobody playing in front of him so often struggled to find a pass. The same applied to Fox, who looked better than he has done recently in the second half, but had a nightmare in the first half. I just couldn't understand how they were finding so much space down the flanks with us playing 5 at the back. Roper's foul which led to the penalty seemed to encourage him to play better after that. He handled Steve Fletcher very well, which can't be easy. Westwood at least offered us something different in terms of distribution. Rather than the aimless big boot down the middle, at least he looks for a pass to feet.

The biggest disappointment for me was the fact that Broadhurst left it until the 80th minute to make a change when we never really looked like scoring. Saying that, Claridge had a golden oppertunity to level the score in the first half, but he blazed it over the bar. On the subject of chances, the Westwood header looked a good foot over the line from where I was sat, but it seems you get no luck down at the bottom of the league.
We wasted a position in midfield also. Considering the position we're in, I didn't see the point having both Keates and Leary alongside Osborn - we'd have been better off playing Devlin instead of Leary.

I have to admit, I'm trying to take the positives from the game. It must be said that Bournemouth's movement and passing ripped us to shreds at times in the first half.

Totally accurate report WFC_Rob, though after surviving the first half thanks to Oakes, I think that with Fryatt we'd have taken the three points easily in the second half.

Spot on about substitutions, we were screaming at the bench to make changes after 60 minutes. Anyone who thinks the HLF lot are asleep should have been in there around us tonight!

Taking off Claridge ? Bizarre in the extreme, the one bloke on our side who was running and battling. If he tells KB to stuff it (and he doesn't need the money, so why not), he's got my backing, because KB was well out of order tonight with his absolutely UNREAL decisions !

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:25 am

This is my personal opinion, but they were the best team ive seen at bescot this season, i thought their midfield was outstanding. what would i give to play two creatove midfielders in the same team, oh the memories.

im not going to even bother posting on us, utter complete crap. id get too angry.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:37 am

wednesbury Saddler METFAN wrote:This is my personal opinion, but they were the best team ive seen at bescot this season, i thought their midfield was outstanding. what would i give to play two creatove midfielders in the same team, oh the memories.

im not going to even bother posting on us, utter complete crap. id get too angry.

yes i was gutted when they signed cooke and the other villa lads,thanks magic

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:39 am

Bristol Fan wrote:
Stu wrote:I've just had a disagreement with my old man coz of you lot.

He reckons we were okay in the first half and certainly weren't outplayed and shouldn't have been buried out of sight by half time. Either way, we were better in the 1st half today than we were on Saturday he thought.

Whilst 2nd half he thought we absolutely ran the show and would have won it in the 2nd half alone had the Ref not made 2/3 very poor decisions...

9 times out of 10 I'd go with my old man, but I don't see anyone else saying that and Radio WM / Radio Solent (I kept switching between the 2) didn't seem to give that impression.

Well Stu, your old man is 100% correct, and I haven't got a clue what game people on this thread actually went to, because it's not the one I saw. Were circumstances different, I'd be saying that it was a very entertaining game, which we completely dominated, giving our best home performance for months, and we were desperately, desperately unlucky to lose. Of course, circumstances aren't different, so it's just another nail in the coffin, but we played well tonight.

First half, Bournemouth shaded, but no way did we deserve to be several goals down, as people have suggested. We were desperately poor, but infinitely better than on Saturday, and Bournemouth were also desperately poor; it was only thanks to a freak goal that they were in front.

The second half was played virtually exclusively in Bournemouth's half. Sadly we simply didn't create enough clear-cut chances, but that's because Bournemouth were 1-0 up and so had 11 men behind the ball the whole time. Osborn ran the show in the middle, Claridge was simply outstanding up front, his movement, determination and craftiness being just spot on what we needed, Leary and Keates were effectively breaking up the play whenever Bournemouth got the ball, the very few times they broke into our half, Roper, Westwood and Mills dealt with everything with no worries at all - but the way the team was set up, we simply couldn't find a way through, with no width at all.

I've been heavily critical of Broadhurst after recent matches, and must be so again. We played with two big chaps up front, but with no wingers - what!? Why? Our two substitutions removed the best two players on the pitch by a country mile - what!? Why?

If he'd done the right thing at half time, taken off one of the superfluous centre backs and brought on a winger, I think we'd have won. I'm clearly a lone voice (apart from Stu's dad) in the wilderness here, but I think we played poorly for 45 minutes, brilliantly for 45 minutes, and despite everything, if we play like we did for the second half over the remaining five games, you just never know, we might pick up some wins.

I agree totally Bristol. I actually didn't feel as bad as I have done in recent weeks at yet another defeat, the simple reason being - we actually battled for it and looked hungry for the ball. As has been said before, you can often stomach a defeat if they have tried.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:27 am

Not only do I completely agree with wfc_rob, Bristol and Dave (and Stu's old man), the match report (which I wrote before looking at this thread) says the same. We were better in the first half than on Saturday without playing well and were much the better side in the 2nd half. That's why there was 4 minutes of overtime - the fact that Bournemouth started time wasting straight away, as they were hanging on.

There was one good penalty shout, one nailed on penalty and the ball wa over the line. The biggest problem was leaving it too late to make changes.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:43 am

Well. I'm so pleased, "We were better in the first half than on Saturday" OOOORAH for that then. "And were much the better side in the 2nd half" YIPPEEEEE. "There was one good penalty shout" SUUUUUPER. "one nailed on penalty and the ball was over the line" FANTASTIC. Everythings okay then...

...On second thoughts B********* OUT, B********* OUT, B********* OUT. As for my insistance of never calling for the head of a Walsall manager. I CHANGED MY MIND.

Four Faced Liar

Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:53 am

Gentlemen, why all the angst?

The Saddlers are an elevator club oscillating between levels 3 and 4 always have been and always will be. The problem has been the 'blip' over the last 10 years when, thanks to Sir Ray and Colin, we managed to get up to level 2 on a couple of occasions. This resulted in a revolution of rising expectations amongst the faithful. All that is now happening is that the team are reverting to type and the statistical norm for the club.

Relax and enjoy the ride.

The major concern should be the financial viability - or not - of the club over the longer term.

Wasn't at the match last night but will be on Sat.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:28 am

I think at the full time whistle last night you could see which players were downbeat from the defeat. Mills, Keates and Roper all had their heads down looking at the ground. Mills just sat on the grass at one point. What was Westwood, Timm and Fox doing? Trudging off the pitch having a little giggle!!!! I for one cant wait for us to go down so the revelution can start, bye bye Jeff, bye bye Broadhurst, bye bye Westwood.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:48 am

Yes I concur, my anger raged when there was time enough to do something about it, there's little point in anger now because its gone. Firing Merson with 16 games to go when we were out of all the cups, having sold our two top scoreres and then waiting for the transfer window to shut was far too late. Suicide infact.

I really fear for what happens in the summer, If Jb continues with the decision making skills he has displayed in the last 2 1/2 years then God help us. Its like he's deliberatly trying to take the club back to where it was when he found it, and then say "tarra a bit ingrates".

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:59 am

I looked at the full-time reaction of the players too. Very revealing. Pead, Constable, Roper - all gutted with the defeat and each of them gave 100% to the cause. OK, Roper gave away the penalty - again! - with a stupid clumsy challenge but his reaction after that said a lot. He was livid with himself and virtually in tears. There's still a heart at Walsall which I thought was gone totally after Saturday's game.

I certainly take the positive view of this match - I can only imagine the people who have been slating the performance didn't see Blackpool, Yeovil or Bristol City which were infinitely worse. Unfortunately we were undone by some shocking refereeing decisions and a complete lack of confidence brought on by the previous defeats. Every player needed three or four touches on the ball rather than passing and moving. First half the wing backs were scared to get forward, but that changed after the break - anyone else see Mick Halsall speaking to Pead on the pitch after they came on for the second half? We started challenging for the ball, winning headers, the front two chased lost causes - this is the minimum we should expect of course, but it's not what we've had for the past month. Unfortunately it's all too late. We were dead and buried after Blackpool. If we'd played with this kind of application and endeavour for the past few games then we wouldn't be in this mess, I'm sure of that.

However we are still struggling with half a team that either aren't up to it or are not pulling their weight. I can't believe people are praising Westwood - he didn't know how to defend last night. Never got near James Hayter all evening, including for the goal. Mills is slow and lazy, Leary is never a footballer. Worst culprit at the moment is Fox who is a shadow of the player he was towards the start of the season. Keates was below par too, he needs lessons from Osborn as to how to show for the ball.

Maybe there is a flicker of optimism. When we stayed up for the first time under Colin Lee, we had won one away game all season (at rubbish Stockport) and then went to win back to back away matches at Forest and Sheffield United. It's only a tiny shred of hope, but that's all we've got, and I'm clinging on to that.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:23 am

Agreed it's going to take back-to-back wins somewhere between now and the end of the season just to give us a chance, but the games look a lot more difficult, can't see us beating Huddersfield so we likely need 3 wins from the other 4, one of which must be Saturday, then anything could happen against Doncaster and Gillingham as they have nowt to play for as was the case with Forest and Sheff U that you refer to.

Colin Lee had the ability to get that team to want it, that's what got us the win over Barnsley and the late draw at Grimsby - the belief those results instilled coupled with the heart showed by the likes of Goodman, MOC, Leitao etc. was enough to get results against better teams, do these players have that heart? Has the manager got the ability to instill belief?
Very doubtful IMO. But one lucky win can still change things when the games are coming thick and fast over Easter. I thought we were down at 0-1 at home to Barnsley that year - step forward Super Don, I'm really hoping Claridge can do the same, I think he is our only hope! But we need to get some width to give him a chance.

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:06 am

The difference between Bournemouth and us last night was movement. When they had possession, their midfield and forwards were like woodlice from under a flowerpot, scattering and splitting, creating options and causing defensive problems. When they didn't have the ball, they closed down, challenged, and either retrieved possession or (more often) forced our midfielders to pass back to a centre half for the (inevitable) hoof, whereby they pick up the pieces from the loose ball.

When we had possession, the lack of support for the man on the ball was sometimes shocking. Players strolling up field, or even running away from the man with the ball, leaving him surrounded by blue shirts, with the only hope being to kick it against one for a throw in or corner.

Second half we were better. Wing backs bombed on, but to me the team is crying out for a midfielder who can and will carry the ball forward.

The enthusiasm for 'the Demon' being brought on never ceases to amaze me. One jinking run, ending in the inevitable loss of the ball - and that's it. Here's a tip Ish: If you lift your head up while you run, you increase the chances of seeing other players (ours and theirs) by a considerable amount. :x

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:17 am

KB's tactics i feel are no better than Merson's
bringing Claridge off last night was totally wrong all the game Claridge
and Constable held the ball up well several times looking for some one to make a run down the flanks it never happend i agree to bring Ishmel on was right but Leary should have gone off
why at home to a side who have won just once in 12 games we played 5 at the back is beyond me our midfield was again overrun particually in the first half Timm came on with 5 minutes remaining a complete waste of time he had no chance to get involved on the game
In our last 3 games we have played 3 average division sides and made then look like world beaters the frustrating thing is other results went our way last night we are only 3 points away from safety there's still hope just

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Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:31 am

I was quite pleased with the initial Broadhurst period against good teams, we had an organised defence, created chances etc. Also I appreciate the fact that he's been left to work with dross but last night was crying out for a change from as early as 15 minutes into the game.

They moved the ball and themselves better than we did. There was never an option of a pass because the midfield three of Keates, Osborn and Mills were often standing about 5 yards apart so Pead and Fox had no options, especially as Claridge and Constable didn't run into the channels to receive the ball.

It was like going back two years but at a much worse level. No width, no pace, no ideas, no changes, no substitutions.

We didn't play badly last night but we desperately needed someone who could run with the ball to keep possession and get some balls into the box. An earlier change or two, I think we'd have nicked a goal and it would have been interesting to see how Bournemouth reacted.

I know we have been poor with 4-4-2 recently but if we had gambled with 30 mins to go and put Ishy, Timm or Wright or all three then we'd have won that game. Taking Claridge off for a midfielder was ridiculous. We're about to get relegated and need wins (and therefore goals) FFS. Get four up front if needed and take a gamble. We've gone from an out and out gambler to the opposite!

What's the point in playing for a 0-0 when you're 1-0 down? I seem to remember asking the same question at the end of our Championship period.

I'm not bothered about the fact we're about to get relegated, I am bothered that if Bonser remains in charge, the Conference is a distinct possibility.

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