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Is the tide turning against Trump?

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:44 pm

swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

Doom mongering. Is this the illegitimate child of 'project fear' ? :arrow:

We'll get 350 million for the NHS! No, you won't. Project fear!

The Brexit negotiations will be easy. Europe needs us! No, they don't. Project fear!

The German car industry will demand a benevolent trade deal. No, they won't. Doom mongering!

We'll just get a magical trade deal with Narnia! LOL Where? Stop talking country down!

We'll keep our financial services sector! No, it will go to Paris and Frankfurt. Nonsense!

I submit that either these 'doom laden' prophecies were either absurd fabrications by the drooling pro-Brexit press during or immediately after the result , OR specific effects and consequences that have become realised, are in train, or seem very likely to come to pass.

And STILL not a single positive that you can muster. :?:

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:59 pm

swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

Yes - it is a shame that thread disappeared because it was full of facts as to why Brexit would be the worst decision ever made by the British people.

The "armageddon" was not promised to occur the day after the result because the full effects will not be seen until we actually pull free of Europe. That will take time but we can clearly see the effects already started:

A plummetting pound

High inflation

Poor growth in the UK (as growth in the EU flourishes)

Relatively lower wages

The economy being squeezed.

When we leave, and the tariffs start, the cost of living will go up, growth will plummet, the pound will fall through the floor, interest rates will increase and we all all be worse off with nothing to show for it, watching the EU with envious eyes as they prosper as we fail.

It will be a slow death.

Now then - any takers on a pro of Brexit?

Just one?

I can be persuaded you know.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:23 pm

SaigonSaddler wrote:
tinned wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:
NEWPORT SADDLERS DAD wrote:Another thread taken over by the remainers,Usual suspects.This time by the second post. :roll:

But this is an important topic, NSD. Don't you agree?

It's probably the most important topic for our country at the moment and is worthy of as much discussion as possible.

Have you a pro for Brexit?

I'm still waiting ...

There's no point in talking to those that won't listen. I believe that's why people have stopped responding.

So here's a golden opportunity for someone, anyone to list any of the positives for Brexit. It's not as if he's even asking for an exhaustive list ... just one will do it seems. People are either suddenly 'too busy' or 'exasperated by the lack of listening'. There must be loads of positives.

I'm just glad that it's all progressing smoothly and that Farage, Gove and Bojo the clown have stepped up and really got involved with the details and machinery of it all. Perhaps they could come up with a single demonstrable positive?

I have mentioned many times what I see as a positive of Brexit. But what I see as a positive others don't agree with so therefore won't accept it as a positive.

I'm of the strong opinion that a lot of Europe wants a United States of Europe. I do not want the economic/legal/financial decisions of this country being increasingly dictated to by "one size fits all" laws from a single European block.

People argue against this by saying a) they don't think it is the aim of the EU and b) even if it is then we have a veto.

a) I disagree, I'm convinced it is the long term aim of the EU.
b) Do we really want to be part of a club that has diametrically opposite aims than ourselves?

Perhaps you'd all be happy with b)?

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:32 pm

tinned wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:
tinned wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:
NEWPORT SADDLERS DAD wrote:Another thread taken over by the remainers,Usual suspects.This time by the second post. :roll:

But this is an important topic, NSD. Don't you agree?

It's probably the most important topic for our country at the moment and is worthy of as much discussion as possible.

Have you a pro for Brexit?

I'm still waiting ...

There's no point in talking to those that won't listen. I believe that's why people have stopped responding.

So here's a golden opportunity for someone, anyone to list any of the positives for Brexit. It's not as if he's even asking for an exhaustive list ... just one will do it seems. People are either suddenly 'too busy' or 'exasperated by the lack of listening'. There must be loads of positives.

I'm just glad that it's all progressing smoothly and that Farage, Gove and Bojo the clown have stepped up and really got involved with the details and machinery of it all. Perhaps they could come up with a single demonstrable positive?

I have mentioned many times what I see as a positive of Brexit. But what I see as a positive others don't agree with so therefore won't accept it as a positive.

I'm of the strong opinion that a lot of Europe wants a United States of Europe. I do not want the economic/legal/financial decisions of this country being increasingly dictated to by "one size fits all" laws from a single European block.

People argue against this by saying a) they don't think it is the aim of the EU and b) even if it is then we have a veto.

a) I disagree, I'm convinced it is the long term aim of the EU.
b) Do we really want to be part of a club that has diametrically opposite aims than ourselves?

Perhaps you'd all be happy with b)?

If that's what you geniunely believe, then that's about as good a reason as I've heard. It's more of a feeling though and others are going to have different feelings. For me, I don't feel a profound sense of 'other' towards Europeans, especially since visiting various places this summer. There have been multiple wars for centuries but I think harking back to those is increasingly irrelevant. Some English patriots are keen to disparage the French, for instance. Yet we've been firm allies in every major global conflict since 1815. Over 200 years.

If some distant medieval conflict is what people prefer to focus on, or some constant pining for when Britain taught Napoleon or Hitler a jolly good lesson, then I think they're out of touch. Every one of the EU countries is having to move on from those times in favour of huge economic and politicial advantages that unity has brought.

As I've said, the post-Brexit future will be Britain moving towards closer ties with the EU, almost from the very moment we leave. This is due to the realisation of the painful aftermath of the Brexit mistake, the increasing proportion of younger remain voters to older leave voters, and the sheer pragmatic reality of dealing on the best terms with the largest trading block on earth.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:36 pm

It's doomed to failure. You just can't have blanket economic policies that can benefit such different economies as Germany and Greece. It can't, and won't work.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:52 pm

Manchester Saddler wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

Yes - it is a shame that thread disappeared because it was full of facts as to why Brexit would be the worst decision ever made by the British people.

The "armageddon" was not promised to occur the day after the result because the full effects will not be seen until we actually pull free of Europe. That will take time but we can clearly see the effects already started:

A plummetting pound

High inflation

Poor growth in the UK (as growth in the EU flourishes)

Relatively lower wages

The economy being squeezed.

When we leave, and the tariffs start, the cost of living will go up, growth will plummet, the pound will fall through the floor, interest rates will increase and we all all be worse off with nothing to show for it, watching the EU with envious eyes as they prosper as we fail.

It will be a slow death.

Now then - any takers on a pro of Brexit?

Just one?

I can be persuaded you know.

All the above are just "your assumptions" not hardened facts with resounding evidence.
Until the hardened facts and figures of your "Armageddon" assumptions are provided then that is all they are ................... your assumptions and views. Nothing more nothing less.

You ask for one positive of Brexit fine.
Provide me with facts and figures of this big financial crash and Armageddon we are going to have to endure and I will gladly list the positives.
I won't hold my breath though, probably end up back in the Queen Elizabeth hospital again waiting.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:06 pm

tinned wrote:It's doomed to failure. You just can't have blanket economic policies that can benefit such different economies as Germany and Greece. It can't, and won't work.

Germany and Greece are the opposite ends of the economic spectrum and their disparity hardly forms the mean of the European Union. Greece basically lied about their GDP, so yes, there are definate issues. With Greece.

The EU is here to stay. Paradoxically partly due to the mess the UK is getting into right now. What happened to Hexit? Frexit? We were assured that these would be next, but I don't think anyone else wants out following our ridiculous self-inflicted miasma. The impetus of the EU stems from the chaos of the war, so it can trace it's roots back to 1945.

I think some want it doomed to failure. But it's been remarkably resilient due to the over-arching benefits it's providing, not least of which the funding for poorer areas, something that Britain desperately needs.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:43 pm

El_Nombre wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

We haven't actually left yet so no there hasn't been. Pound has already dropped though, so those gloomers were right. Immigration is down though if that's your kind of thing.
That will suit me for now #racist :roll:

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:22 pm

El_Nombre wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

We haven't actually left yet so no there hasn't been. Pound has already dropped though, so those gloomers were right. Immigration is down though if that's your kind of thing.

'Britain’s economy would be tipped into a year-long recession, with at least 500,000 jobs lost and GDP around 3.6% lower, following a vote to leave the EU, new Treasury analysis launched today by the Prime Minister and Chancellor shows.'

Well that did not happen.

As swampy says, we were promised Armageddon the day after we voted to leave.
Last edited by IHTC. on Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:26 pm

swampysaddler wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

Yes - it is a shame that thread disappeared because it was full of facts as to why Brexit would be the worst decision ever made by the British people.

The "armageddon" was not promised to occur the day after the result because the full effects will not be seen until we actually pull free of Europe. That will take time but we can clearly see the effects already started:

A plummetting pound

High inflation

Poor growth in the UK (as growth in the EU flourishes)

Relatively lower wages

The economy being squeezed.

When we leave, and the tariffs start, the cost of living will go up, growth will plummet, the pound will fall through the floor, interest rates will increase and we all all be worse off with nothing to show for it, watching the EU with envious eyes as they prosper as we fail.

It will be a slow death.

Now then - any takers on a pro of Brexit?

Just one?

I can be persuaded you know.

All the above are just "your assumptions" not hardened facts with resounding evidence.
Until the hardened facts and figures of your "Armageddon" assumptions are provided then that is all they are ................... your assumptions and views. Nothing more nothing less.

You ask for one positive of Brexit fine.
Provide me with facts and figures of this big financial crash and Armageddon we are going to have to endure and I will gladly list the positives.
I won't hold my breath though, probably end up back in the Queen Elizabeth hospital again waiting.

They are not assumptions. They are facts. The pound has plummeted. Inflation is up. Growth is down. This is economic fact. Look at the EU - growth is UP.

The economy is sliding - you can see it for yourself if you look at what has happened in the past year. The evidence is there.

You cannot give me a single pro for Brexit - otherwise you would have.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:32 pm

IHTC. wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

We haven't actually left yet so no there hasn't been. Pound has already dropped though, so those gloomers were right. Immigration is down though if that's your kind of thing.

'Britain’s economy would be tipped into a year-long recession, with at least 500,000 jobs lost and GDP around 3.6% lower, following a vote to leave the EU, new Treasury analysis launched today by the Prime Minister and Chancellor shows.'

Well that did not happen.

Growth is down and going down. Inflation is rising. Interest rates are rising. Wages are not rising.

The scaremongery from Osbourne and co was that this would happen immediately. Even as a die-hard Remainer I didn't see that happening overnight - and besides Osbourne was a terrible chancellor anyway.

But the trends are there. Analyse what has happened in the past year. We are slowly crumbling even now - and we haven't left.

We are still in the EU until the doomed day we leave. From that moment on, the economy will start to crumble even more.

The pound is already really low - what do you think will happen? AND pray tell, why is growth up for the EU and stagnant for us? Why do the vast majority of economists think Brexit is a huge mistake?

Now then, any positives for Brexit from you?

I won't hold my breath...

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:35 pm

Manchester Saddler wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

Yes - it is a shame that thread disappeared because it was full of facts as to why Brexit would be the worst decision ever made by the British people.

The "armageddon" was not promised to occur the day after the result because the full effects will not be seen until we actually pull free of Europe. That will take time but we can clearly see the effects already started:

A plummetting pound

High inflation

Poor growth in the UK (as growth in the EU flourishes)

Relatively lower wages

The economy being squeezed.

When we leave, and the tariffs start, the cost of living will go up, growth will plummet, the pound will fall through the floor, interest rates will increase and we all all be worse off with nothing to show for it, watching the EU with envious eyes as they prosper as we fail.

It will be a slow death.

Now then - any takers on a pro of Brexit?

Just one?

I can be persuaded you know.

All the above are just "your assumptions" not hardened facts with resounding evidence.
Until the hardened facts and figures of your "Armageddon" assumptions are provided then that is all they are ................... your assumptions and views. Nothing more nothing less.

You ask for one positive of Brexit fine.
Provide me with facts and figures of this big financial crash and Armageddon we are going to have to endure and I will gladly list the positives.
I won't hold my breath though, probably end up back in the Queen Elizabeth hospital again waiting.

They are not assumptions. They are facts. The pound has plummeted. Inflation is up. Growth is down. This is economic fact. Look at the EU - growth is UP.

The economy is sliding - you can see it for yourself if you look at what has happened in the past year. The evidence is there.

You cannot give me a single pro for Brexit - otherwise you would have.

The £ has recovered half of what it lost and inflation (if I heard correct yesterday) has peaked with financial institutes expecting inflation to fall in 2018.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:43 pm

Really? The growth figures and inflation predictions change regularly and, if what I heard last week is correct, growth has been revised down again and inflation is expected to rise. It has certainly risen above expectation for the past few months.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:00 am

Manchester Saddler wrote:Really? The growth figures and inflation predictions change regularly and, if what I heard last week is correct, growth has been revised down again and inflation is expected to rise. It has certainly risen above expectation for the past few months.

Yes really, that is what I heard. Not my predictitions just what I REALLY heard.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:06 am

What I really heard (from reliable news sources) was that our economy is in decline; any forecasts of improvement we've had recently have proven to be wrong.

Let's see shall we? I'm going by the factual steady decline of the economy over the past 18 months not blind Brexit optimism.


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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:36 am

Manchester Saddler wrote:What I really heard (from reliable news sources) was that our economy is in decline; any forecasts of improvement we've had recently have proven to be wrong.

Let's see shall we? I'm going by the factual steady decline of the economy over the past 18 months not blind Brexit optimism.




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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:18 am


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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:33 am

tinned wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:
tinned wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:
NEWPORT SADDLERS DAD wrote:Another thread taken over by the remainers,Usual suspects.This time by the second post. :roll:

But this is an important topic, NSD. Don't you agree?

It's probably the most important topic for our country at the moment and is worthy of as much discussion as possible.

Have you a pro for Brexit?

I'm still waiting ...

There's no point in talking to those that won't listen. I believe that's why people have stopped responding.

So here's a golden opportunity for someone, anyone to list any of the positives for Brexit. It's not as if he's even asking for an exhaustive list ... just one will do it seems. People are either suddenly 'too busy' or 'exasperated by the lack of listening'. There must be loads of positives.

I'm just glad that it's all progressing smoothly and that Farage, Gove and Bojo the clown have stepped up and really got involved with the details and machinery of it all. Perhaps they could come up with a single demonstrable positive?

I have mentioned many times what I see as a positive of Brexit. But what I see as a positive others don't agree with so therefore won't accept it as a positive.

I'm of the strong opinion that a lot of Europe wants a United States of Europe. I do not want the economic/legal/financial decisions of this country being increasingly dictated to by "one size fits all" laws from a single European block.

People argue against this by saying a) they don't think it is the aim of the EU and b) even if it is then we have a veto.

a) I disagree, I'm convinced it is the long term aim of the EU.
b) Do we really want to be part of a club that has diametrically opposite aims than ourselves?

Perhaps you'd all be happy with b)?

It's not that people won't accept you see that as a positive. It's that it's complete guesswork that that would be the case anyway and we could actually stop it happening whilst in the EU, making opting out to prevent it completely unnecessary. As for answer B isn't that the whole point of a Union? To make sure that SOME aims of all, and not just a few, are met? Your never going to make everybody happy all of the time realistically.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:37 am

tinned wrote:It's doomed to failure. You just can't have blanket economic policies that can benefit such different economies as Germany and Greece. It can't, and won't work.

To be fair, 50 odd years is a small amount of time for it to "work". Probably will collapse any day now we are out...

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:38 am

chunkster wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

We haven't actually left yet so no there hasn't been. Pound has already dropped though, so those gloomers were right. Immigration is down though if that's your kind of thing.
That will suit me for now #racist :roll:

Who said you are racist?

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:39 am

IHTC. wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

We haven't actually left yet so no there hasn't been. Pound has already dropped though, so those gloomers were right. Immigration is down though if that's your kind of thing.

'Britain’s economy would be tipped into a year-long recession, with at least 500,000 jobs lost and GDP around 3.6% lower, following a vote to leave the EU, new Treasury analysis launched today by the Prime Minister and Chancellor shows.'

Well that did not happen.

As swampy says, we were promised Armageddon the day after we voted to leave.

You are using arguments I haven't made to disprove a point I did. Did the pound drop or not? I specifically said in my post we hadn't seen "armageddon", whatever that means, yet?

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 10:50 am

IHTC. wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
SaigonSaddler wrote:That'll be the Armageddon banded around by rank Brexiteers, absurdly conflating 'there will be damaging economic effects' into 'Britain will slide off into the North Atlantic' ? :lol: :wink:

No-one has ever suggested a plunge into pre-industrial serfdom, simply that there will be negative economic effects and a reduction of Britain's standing with the rest of the world.

Bit of a difference, but something which has inadvertently prevented you from addressing the question. :!: :wink:


No the Armageddon promised by George Osbourne if we voted Leave. Still waiting.
As with all the other doom and gloom predictions with voting Leave, still waiting.
Shame the original EU vote thread has disappeared, I could refer you back to all the doom mongering on that as well.

We haven't actually left yet so no there hasn't been. Pound has already dropped though, so those gloomers were right. Immigration is down though if that's your kind of thing.

'Britain’s economy would be tipped into a year-long recession, with at least 500,000 jobs lost and GDP around 3.6% lower, following a vote to leave the EU, new Treasury analysis launched today by the Prime Minister and Chancellor shows.'

Well that did not happen.

As swampy says, we were promised Armageddon the day after we voted to leave.

I think you're assuming that these would be immediate effects, almost literally the day after. The bank of England moved to prevent some of the worst next day consequences, and almost the only immediate effect was the drop in the pound, which clearly has yet to recover.

In fact there was good performance by the UK economy in the months following Brexit, something that Farage pointed to as a benefit ... it's not. Why? The answer is that it takes a while to turn an oil tanker. Now we see the UK economy falling behind the EU, with loss of jobs and other economic woes, entirely as predicted by 'those damn experts' that Gove ridiculously dismissed with a single wave of his pallied hand.

Even now the consequences are unfolding, and the noises from Europe state catergorically that we'll lose the EU financial services from London. This dwarfs anything and is geniune, lasting damage. The government is already cutting back services to accommodate this impact and this alone means that your pension will cost more for less, while your NHS and other services will be less capable.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:36 am

Unless my memory is playing up I am pretty certain there were many people (high up) on the remain side who predicted that the economy would go tits up on the 24th June 2016.

Yes there was a steady decline in the £ but that has recovered half of its loses and instead of us losing hundreds of thousands of jobs unemployment has continued to fall and still no recession to be seen anywhere as was promised.
Last edited by IHTC. on Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:44 am

IHTC. wrote:Unless my memory is playing up I am pretty certain there were many people (high up) on the remain side who predicted that the economy would go tits up on the 27th June 2016.

Yes there was a steady decline in the £ but that has recovered half of its loses and instead of us losing hundreds of thousands of jobs unemployment has continued to fall and still no recession to be seen anywhere as was promised.

https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-p ... -pound.png

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:49 am

IHTC. wrote:Unless my memory is playing up I am pretty certain there were many people (high up) on the remain side who predicted that the economy would go tits up on the 27th June 2016.

Yes there was a steady decline in the £ but that has recovered half of its loses and instead of us losing hundreds of thousands of jobs unemployment has continued to fall and still no recession to be seen anywhere as was promised.

Your memory is playing up.

Unless my memory is playing up the NHS should be receiving an extra £350 million a week too. Oh, wait...

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:54 am

Exile wrote:
IHTC. wrote:Unless my memory is playing up I am pretty certain there were many people (high up) on the remain side who predicted that the economy would go tits up on the 27th June 2016.

Yes there was a steady decline in the £ but that has recovered half of its loses and instead of us losing hundreds of thousands of jobs unemployment has continued to fall and still no recession to be seen anywhere as was promised.

Your memory is playing up.

Unless my memory is playing up the NHS should be receiving an extra £350 million a week too. Oh, wait...

We have not left yet :wink:

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:12 pm

IHTC. wrote:Unless my memory is playing up I am pretty certain there were many people (high up) on the remain side who predicted that the economy would go tits up on the 27th June 2016.

Yes there was a steady decline in the £ but that has recovered half of its loses and instead of us losing hundreds of thousands of jobs unemployment has continued to fall and still no recession to be seen anywhere as was promised.

There was a suggestion that there would be an impact, but the Bank of England moved to counter the immediate effect. Without this move it would have been more marked. No-one seriously suggested that the impact wouldn't be felt further along the line, even the Brexit camp alluded to 'some negative effects' before a tentative trade deal with Narnia was confirmed, and I don't think that you're suggesting that economic implications are restricted to a single 24 hour period.

The pound dropped immediately and dramatically, at which point people suggested that this was normal and it had been as low against the Euro in the past. True, but not against the dollar and the rest of the world's currencies though, hence the 'worst ever fall' in the pound. Fact.

The pound has recovered slightly, but not anywhere near back to where it was prior to the vote result. It's also interesting that the rhetoric has changed from 'it will recover within weeks', to 'it's actually good for exports', ignoring the fact that the UK imports far more than it exports.

We are in the process of losing huge numbers of jobs. I have already stated the implications of the financial sector in London. We've recently lost medical testing services to Holland. Major banks and corporations are in the process of opening offices in Europe because they need that access and while they haven't quite moved yet, they will when Britain is no longer an EU member. What's that? You heard about a heavily publicised German factory opening up near Teeside? A drop in the ocean. It's not just job numbers though, it's the kind of jobs we're leaching out, which is why a simplistic employment total doesn't tell us that much.

Phrases like 'tits up' and 'Armageddon' are also so loose and open to interpretation as to be meaningless. Does losing 10% of your pension count, or does it mean a devolution to a hunting and gathering society with one potato a week? Let's be clear then - there will be significant damage to the economy and GDP after Brexit and hence money available for services and projects. Call it what you like.

There's plenty of time for this to get a lot worse. 27th June passed off ok in the end, but I'd be more concerned about 2027.

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:15 pm

Manchester Saddler wrote:What I really heard (from reliable news sources) was that our economy is in decline; any forecasts of improvement we've had recently have proven to be wrong.

Let's see shall we? I'm going by the factual steady decline of the economy over the past 18 months not blind Brexit optimism.


What decline? Growth of around 1.4% to 1.6% forecast for next year. Don't for on minute let the truth get in the way :shock:

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:24 pm

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Re: Is the tide turning against Trump?

Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:26 pm

tinned wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:What I really heard (from reliable news sources) was that our economy is in decline; any forecasts of improvement we've had recently have proven to be wrong.

Let's see shall we? I'm going by the factual steady decline of the economy over the past 18 months not blind Brexit optimism.


What decline? Growth of around 1.4% to 1.6% forecast for next year. Don't for on minute let the truth get in the way :shock:

Errr, cue the actual OECD ...

https://www.pwc.co.uk/services/economic ... tlook.html

1.8% in 2016
1.5% in 2017
1.4% in 2018 projected

1.1% in 2019 projected

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/201 ... k-economy/

That decline.

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