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Brexit Breakfast

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 5:58 am

Manchester Saddler wrote:
swampysaddler wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:Swampy - calm down!

You are making yourself look like a idiot, mate. I would suggest that you refrain from threatening behaviour and using nasty insults and take a breather before you end up getting yourself banned again?

You've given all you have to give on this subject and have nothing new to add - just the same old disillusioned nonsense about George Osbourne!

Leave the rest of us to chat about this without the shadow of a violent assault or a vitriolic tirade.

I will calm down when YOU FINALLY provide me evidence of the forecasted demise of the UK if we voted Leave.
Manchester I have been asking you know for evidence and hard facts to back up your doom claims for nearly 2 years.
Still I am sat waiting.
Back your gob up. Provide evidence to back your claims up.
Not hard.

Oh and Manchester the only fools are you, Saigon, Exile, El Nombre. I ask for "proof" and you cant provide.

Must we go over this AGAIN, Swampy? Your lack of responses to MY questions? Simply because deep down you know that I am right? I asked my questions even further back in time. You just seem to have adopted a stubborn ignorance that is, quite frankly, making you look really daft. You can repeat the same cack over and over again Swampy but they key to your views on Brexit are totally open in the angry vitriol you have poured forth on this thread.

Why are certain Brexiters so angry I wonder? Mainly because they are openly made to look like fools in the media.

Read through the thread again, Swampy mate. The truth will set you free.

If you want an example of what I am talking about:


Anyway - back on point.

The "plan" is non-existent as far as I can tell. We seem to be taking ten steps back for every one step forward.

If anybody can recall the original thread, I predicted then that Brexit would effectively be the Norway/Swiss model and so far that's all I can see happening.

It seems that we will end up with the same deal but absolutely no power to influence the EU.

What did Brexiters win again?

As a staunch remainer would you be happy with that ? Would that really be what you would like for the future ?
I respect your decision to remain but surely not under those terms !
If we have no power to influence then what is the point of remaining ?
3 questions there............take your time !

It's a shame you refuse to answer MY simple questions, Pinnacle - but there you go!

But I will answer you - as I usually do!

First - the ONLY way to have ANY influence over the EU is to REMAIN in the EU. This is obvious even to the most stubborn Brexiter. The deal I am talking about in the above post is the one that I predicted should we leave - i.e. we remain in the Customs Union like Norway, BUT are not IN the EU therefore we cannot take part in the EU Parliament and vote - LIKE OUR MEP'S can.

What I want for the future is to REMAIN.

Absolutely NO Brexit deal will benefit us as a nation. None whatsoever.

You can see from all of our time in the EU that we are THRIVING as a nation. THIS IS BECAUSE OF THE EU.

Even the best Brexit deal is a bad one, i.e. Brexit In Name Only (BRINO as it is being called).

Under THAT scenario we will be subject to all of the weird and wonderful EU regulations WITHOUT INFLUENCE.

The other extreme, the HARD Brexit, will be a total disaster. We will return to the bad old days in Ireland - Gibraltar will be isolated, we will pay a fortune for European goods, we will have to rely on deals with other nations - which will not be as easy to negotiate as most Brexiters think - and we will be desperate because we will need it more than they do.

Add to this the fact that other nations will demand something in return - like MORE freedom of movement between the two nations (India and China have already stated this as a proviso of a special trade deal with the UK) it is hardly going to please the xenophobic element of the Brexiter camp.


Does that answer you questions?

And now - will you reciprocate? What exactly did the Brexiters win, Pinnacle? Why is Brexit a good thing, Pinnacle? Why did you vote Leave (be honest)?

Three for three, Pinnacle.


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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 7:36 am

Cowshed wrote:
shrewsbury saddler wrote:
Manchester Saddler wrote:Aside from Swampy being taken to the cleaners by Sound Out too ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Swampy aside, I would like to know what people think will genuinely happen.

May's position is weaker now than it has been and she is being attacked by members of her own cabinet as well as the uber-Brexiters on one side and the Remainers on the other.

Add to this the House of Lords and the Labour Party and you have one unholy mess just at the time we need a plan.

You all know my thoughts on this - what do the rest of you think?

What will happen? We'll end up with an agreement which leaves both sides asking, "What's the point of leaving?"

Longer term, I suspect the legacy of the leave campaign will be future generations having the Euro-not one of the EU's best ideas. A decade or so down the line, UK will have to rejoin,and the rules insist new members adopt the Euro. Another reason for millennials to hate baby-boomers.

If the uk debt to gdp ratio is reduced sufficiently to meet the euro entrance criteria I will be very pleased

Are we going tits up or not make your mind up

You seem to think that eurozone convergence criteria have to be met on joining the EU. They don't.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 7:42 am

Exile wrote:Just a reminder. Yes, things get heated, but there is no place on UTS for threatening violence, and continuing abuse. Bans will be handed out without further warning if posters can’t handle this simple rule.

I only saw a threat of violence from one poster. Why the plurals?

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 8:22 am

Another report stating rising food prices if no free trade deal is made:-


"The Lords EU Environment Committee said it was "inconceivable" there would be no impact on EU produce, which makes up 30% of the UK's food imports.
In the event of the UK leaving the EU in March 2019 without any deal, it said, the UK could face an average 22% tariff on food imports from the Continent. "

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 8:52 am

shrewsbury saddler wrote:
Exile wrote:Just a reminder. Yes, things get heated, but there is no place on UTS for threatening violence, and continuing abuse. Bans will be handed out without further warning if posters can’t handle this simple rule.

I only saw a threat of violence from one poster. Why the plurals?

Generic post that applies to all.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 9:32 am

hmmmm ..... again we see another mossive tantrum and nappy filling accident from a poster who can not accept others have a different opinion to them.

Its just a forum..

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 9:40 am

Exile wrote:
shrewsbury saddler wrote:
Exile wrote:Just a reminder. Yes, things get heated, but there is no place on UTS for threatening violence, and continuing abuse. Bans will be handed out without further warning if posters can’t handle this simple rule.

I only saw a threat of violence from one poster. Why the plurals?

Generic post that applies to all.

Why does it need to?

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 9:45 am

shrewsbury saddler wrote:
Exile wrote:
shrewsbury saddler wrote:
Exile wrote:Just a reminder. Yes, things get heated, but there is no place on UTS for threatening violence, and continuing abuse. Bans will be handed out without further warning if posters can’t handle this simple rule.

I only saw a threat of violence from one poster. Why the plurals?

Generic post that applies to all.

Why does it need to?

It's just a generic warning to all posters. It's really not that difficult to understand.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 9:48 am

Point being, there's only one idiot that stooped that low so why threaten everybody.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 9:51 am

It really isn't hard to understand :roll:

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 9:51 am

Yes it is.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 9:53 am


:mrgreen: :wink:

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:05 am

SaigonSaddler wrote:Image

:mrgreen: :wink:

:lol: :lol:

I'm not going to argue such a ridiculous point. Especially with someone who slagged other Walsall fans off when they critisised Whitney for using certain plurals and pronouns.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:07 am

Good. The point stands then.

Not a clue what you are referring to but you're not going to argue it so happy days.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:11 am

shrewsbury saddler wrote:
Exile wrote:
shrewsbury saddler wrote:
Exile wrote:Just a reminder. Yes, things get heated, but there is no place on UTS for threatening violence, and continuing abuse. Bans will be handed out without further warning if posters can’t handle this simple rule.

I only saw a threat of violence from one poster. Why the plurals?

Generic post that applies to all.

Why does it need to?

Because we wanted to post in public, not send a private message? Because we wanted to make it clear to everyone what’s not acceptable? Because it’s simpler? Take your pick. It’s only a threat to those that don’t follow the house rules.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:15 am

derbysaddler wrote:hmmmm ..... again we see another mossive tantrum and nappy filling accident from a poster who can not accept others have a different opinion to them.

Its just a forum..

El Nombre?

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:17 am

Mazza01 wrote:
derbysaddler wrote:hmmmm ..... again we see another mossive tantrum and nappy filling accident from a poster who can not accept others have a different opinion to them.

Its just a forum..

El Nombre?

Mate I wasn't the one trawling YouTube for evidence of all mexicans being drug dealers and rapists and threatening violence :lol: :lol: :lol:

Absolute headloss

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:18 am

El_Nombre wrote:Good. The point stands then.

Not a clue what you are referring to but you're not going to argue it so happy days.

You were not arguing with posters because they called out Whitney's use of pronouns/plural words during interviews? Are you seriously saying that? If so, you need checking for alzheimer's and I hope you get the support you need.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:22 am

scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:Good. The point stands then.

Not a clue what you are referring to but you're not going to argue it so happy days.

You were not arguing with posters because they called out Whitney's use of pronouns/plural words during interviews? Are you seriously saying that? If so, you need checking for alzheimer's and I hope you get the support you need.

Oh I remember that. I don't remember slagging people off over that.

Unless giving your opinion is now slagging Walsall fans off? And if that's the case this is the ultimate case of the pot calling the kettle black. you've literally just called people pathetic for having a different opinion to you on a different thread! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:27 am

scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:Good. The point stands then.

Not a clue what you are referring to but you're not going to argue it so happy days.

You were not arguing with posters because they called out Whitney's use of pronouns/plural words during interviews? Are you seriously saying that? If so, you need checking for alzheimer's and I hope you get the support you need.

That was me! :D

The blog piece was an absolute crapfest. Whitney was culpable for many things, but the misuse of the personal pronoun as 'an example' of his dastardly deeds was utter, utter bollocks.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:32 am

El_Nombre wrote:
scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:Good. The point stands then.

Not a clue what you are referring to but you're not going to argue it so happy days.

You were not arguing with posters because they called out Whitney's use of pronouns/plural words during interviews? Are you seriously saying that? If so, you need checking for alzheimer's and I hope you get the support you need.

Oh I remember that. I don't remember slagging people off over that.

Unless giving your opinion is now slagging Walsall fans off? And if that's the case this is the ultimate case of the pot calling the kettle black. you've literally just called people pathetic for having a different opinion to you on a different thread! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My opinion is that people slating Etheridge for an article written by someone else is pathetic. That's my opinion. Just like it'd be your opinion if you thought those slagging Whitney off for using "I", "They" etc is pathetic. That's not the point and I wouldn't care if you thought that. :lol:

My point here is that you had an opinion on the pronoun/plural subject regarding Whitney but your principles have suddenly changed on this thread. Apparently now plurals and pronouns matter. That's the centre of my point, not the slagging off of other posters. Nice attempt of deflecting it onto me though. You just like to disagree, we all see it.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:35 am

SaigonSaddler wrote:
scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:Good. The point stands then.

Not a clue what you are referring to but you're not going to argue it so happy days.

You were not arguing with posters because they called out Whitney's use of pronouns/plural words during interviews? Are you seriously saying that? If so, you need checking for alzheimer's and I hope you get the support you need.

That was me! :D

The blog piece was an absolute crapfest. Whitney was culpable for many things, but the misuse of the personal pronoun as 'an example' of his dastardly deeds was utter, utter bollocks.

I know. I remember. It was also El_Nombre. I agree with it too. I'm just pointing out how his tune has suddenly changed here. I think it's funny and just proves he'll say anything to disagree.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:35 am

scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:
scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:Good. The point stands then.

Not a clue what you are referring to but you're not going to argue it so happy days.

You were not arguing with posters because they called out Whitney's use of pronouns/plural words during interviews? Are you seriously saying that? If so, you need checking for alzheimer's and I hope you get the support you need.

Oh I remember that. I don't remember slagging people off over that.

Unless giving your opinion is now slagging Walsall fans off? And if that's the case this is the ultimate case of the pot calling the kettle black. you've literally just called people pathetic for having a different opinion to you on a different thread! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My opinion is that people slating Etheridge for an article written by someone else is pathetic. That's my opinion. Just like it'd be your opinion if you thought those slagging Whitney off for using "I", "They" etc is pathetic. That's not the point and I wouldn't care if you thought that. :lol:

My point here is that you had an opinion on the pronoun/plural subject regarding Whitney but your principles have suddenly changed on this thread. Apparently now plurals and pronouns matter. That's the centre of my point, not the slagging off of other posters. Nice attempt of deflecting it onto me though. You just like to disagree, we all see it.

Err what? I've argued about Brexit and Mexicans, apparently, on here. I don't remember picking on people's grammar?

I'm not deflecting anything, I'm amazed that was your point because it makes no sense to me. I literally can't see where I have mentioned plurals and pronouns once?

Yeah, I'm terrible for that me. Arguing that Brexit hasn't actually happened yet and that Mexicans aren't all drug dealers and rapists. Always stating the outrageous for effect... :roll: :roll: :roll:
Last edited by El_Nombre on Thu May 10, 2018 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:42 am

The fact you are struggling to follow says a lot about you really.

I don't agree with Swampys threat but my god he's said what many think.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:43 am

Hard men all over the shop in here! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:45 am

El_Nombre wrote:Hard men all over the shop in here! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know where I've claimed I'm hard but alright then :lol:

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:46 am

scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:Hard men all over the shop in here! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know where I've claimed I'm hard but alright then :lol:

Everybody knows what you meant. You don't agree with it but many think it? Ok hard man. I didn't even say you.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:48 am

El_Nombre wrote:
scott_powell wrote:
El_Nombre wrote:Hard men all over the shop in here! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know where I've claimed I'm hard but alright then :lol:

Everybody knows what you meant. You don't agree with it but many think it? Ok hard man.

I don't agree with murder but if someone shot Trump I'd probably high five them whilst pushing them into a cell. Same principle applies here.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 10:50 am

Glad you clarified.

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Re: Brexit Breakfast

Thu May 10, 2018 12:46 pm

El_Nombre wrote:
Mazza01 wrote:
derbysaddler wrote:hmmmm ..... again we see another mossive tantrum and nappy filling accident from a poster who can not accept others have a different opinion to them.

Its just a forum..

El Nombre?

Mate I wasn't the one trawling YouTube for evidence of all mexicans being drug dealers and rapists and threatening violence :lol: :lol: :lol:

Absolute headloss


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