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Ipswich (h) - League - 16th March 2004

Reports and reaction from the 2003-04 season as Walsall finished 22nd (R) in Division 1
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Ipswich (h) - League - 16th March 2004

Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:18 pm

By Zec ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:32 am: Edit

Great chance to beat them and go 4 matches unbeaten !! COME ONNNN!!!!

2-1 Saddlers I say

By Stu ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:51 am: Edit

Craig Burley was not signed in time to play tonight, bit of a bummer but it gives him time to get that extra bit of fitness for Saturday.

By Sound_out ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 12:27 pm: Edit

What - fecking great! We needed him in the team tonight especially against his old club.

I've heard a bit of gossip about Burley too in that he is apparently a total barclays and has had trouble getting on with his team mates at most of his previous clubs – an unsettling character in the dressing room were my source’s exact words! I couldn’t give a feck so long as he’s a good boy here, but I’m sure some of the anti-Jody Morris queens’ wont be too happy at this news!

Don’t shoot me, I’m just informing you all!

By Cal's a saddler ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 12:39 pm: Edit

I heard he was injured anyway! How come we have to have the players who are injured or carry so much baggage?

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 01:09 pm: Edit

They wouldn't be here, otherwise.

By ricky Milton Keynes Saddler ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 02:29 pm: Edit

cuz we pay them peanuts, and you know what you get when you pay peanuts.......

By Dave Roe ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 02:35 pm: Edit

4 matches unbeaten ???

Did they change the Sunderland result then ?

By Arhur Ellis ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 05:54 pm: Edit

Dave,you played your Joker against Wimbledon.

By belgian saddler ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:47 pm: Edit

dont want to be pessimistic but.............

By reading saddler ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:57 pm: Edit

neither do i but..........

By Sound_out ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:58 pm: Edit

Well wasn’t that a load of sh!te? I only listened to the game on the radio tonight and I’m fecking glad - what was CL doing?

Questions that need answering:

1. Why did he play Corica instead of Taylor when he obviously wasn’t match fit – playing him out of position too and he was dreadful – should have been substituted at halftime?
2. Why wait until the 75th min to make the first substitution?
3. Why wait till the 85th min until he brings on Fryatt?
4. Why didn’t make a substitution after the second goal went in?
5. Why is it nobody apart from Aranalde created anything?

He should have brought on Fryatt after the second goal went in. He must start at Preston! CL’s tactics were disgraceful tonight! I’ve supported him all season and will do till the end but after that he has got to go! We were dreadful against Wimbledon, I’d go nearly as far as to say on par with them. The team is totally unmotivated and lacklustre. On these performances we should deservedly go down!

Thanks for all your hard work CL and I really do mean that, but at the end of the season please go!

By me ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:59 pm: Edit




By Me2 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:05 pm: Edit

Half decent performance - injury problems showing (no strikers).

Ipswich were just a better side, with better players

By Giza ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:11 pm: Edit

Ok we lost, Ipswicj out played us in the second half with clinical finishing!!!

Corica wasn't that bad tonight sound, there were worse players out there tonight.

Subs should of being used though!! Try and bring a bit more out of the lads. Merse looked low in confidence tonight too.

I've seen Fryatt play for the reserves around 7 times this season, yes he's a talent, and yes he deserves more 1st team action, but at the moment he is not Walsall's saviour! He's learning all the time and improving. Would you like him to get in the team like others have then get destroyed by our fans who expect way too much?

Come on you loyal fans lets keep behind the team and stay in Division 1 together!!!!

Keep the Faith

By Me2 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:15 pm: Edit

Good points Giza. A few of the fans tonight were acting like idiots.

By cheese bag ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:17 pm: Edit

No movement, most of the time ballwatching, no support going forward, outpassed, No hope?????

By Sound_out ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:18 pm: Edit

Half-decent performance! First half was barely that – second half was absolute sh!te. We created nothing at all? Fryatt should have been on in the second half – give the kid a go now, we have nothing to lose. Ipswich were the better side Me2, even with their reserve team out because we were so poor. I’m sorry, I don’t know how you can defend this performance tonight – CL got it totally wrong, we are better than this!!!

By Giza ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:24 pm: Edit

Sorry Sound but you did say you did say you were not at the match!
Were not defending it just trying to give both sides.

Keep the faith!

By coxanddrummie ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:26 pm: Edit

What a blind plonker you really are Me2. I know more about the performance and i was listening on the radio. Don't waste yer money you silly little man because you know nothing about the game of football.

Im in a position now that i seriously don't want really. I know im gonna do serious bird if i act out what my heart is telling me. Please Mr Bonsor take it out of my hands tonight and sack this vile piece of sh*t we have as our manager.

Im not talking about the fu**in game now, it's totally irrelevant. There is too long a list of mistakes that sh*t bag makes in order to discuss it's merits. I will now let of serious steam in my gym. I actually feel sorry for what my punchbag is about to endure. In fact im going to break my Fu**ing arms through hitting it so hard.

I can't talk right now because im so angry. I have broken my keyboard writing this. I said i can't talk and i fu**ing meant it so p*ss off the lot of yer

By Sound_out ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:29 pm: Edit

Ill keep the faith Giza but I just feel so disappointed with this result. Fair enough ill accept that the finishing was clinical but we hardly trouble them in the second half. Same last Saturday too – dire second half! No confidence in the team, nobody seems to be motivating them at all. Corica shouldn’t have even been on the pitch today, he’s been out for weeks! I know we had a few injuries but we can play better than this. I’m not saying start Fryatt every game but when we are 2 nil down why didn’t he come on, he was on for 5 mins and won us a corner. Give him a chance – he’s better that birch!

By mrwhite ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:30 pm: Edit

Isnt that true Me2. I Know its hard to take at the minute, but we are all in this together Lee or no Lee. As much most of us would like it lets face it he ain't goin no where and i dont think that is the answer neither at the moment. All we need is to give those lazy tw*ts a swift kick up the arse.
Its not the end of the world, I think the kids need a chance now


By David Potter ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:31 pm: Edit

I didn't go to the match and was unable to listen on WM. Unfortunately, I had to resort to the BBC text!

I know we're a little thin on the ground, but were we that bad again?
I'm thankful that Ipswich were nowhere near full strength, they would have had a shedload!

Reading the text, we were very poor with no strikeforce.

I'm begining to despair!

By kevin ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:35 pm: Edit

Sound out.Five excellent points.Must have been a good commentary.

By Giza ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:38 pm: Edit

Spot on Sound, CL decisons on subs was shocking tonight, i like everyone want to see Fryatt take people on. I also agree Corica shouldn't started.

The team just don't have confidence in themselves at the moment. Whats the easy way of solving this?

Merson had a great chance in the second half which he could of done better with at a crucial time in the game. Also Corica had an excellent chance too but pulled it wide.

9 Games left, Come on lads their is more than three teams worse than us in this Division.


By Sound_out ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:52 pm: Edit

There is no easy way Giza, CL has got to start motivating this team for the remaining games. We have to start creating chances to score. We had about 3 or 4 chances tonight from what I heard on the radio. Its crazy, we all know how important these games are now. We could barely put the Don’s away last weekend. The team have to get some confidence in them from somewhere - CL and Bracewell are the only ones who can do it!

By Blobbyh ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:54 pm: Edit

lets face it dummie the only steam you let of is with your wrist - now do us a favour and disappear into the towel/baby wipe/tissue that you use to clear up your mess.

First half today we tried - we battled
Second half we fell behind early and then never seriously threatened - I have got to agree that we should have tried to change things around sooner.
As for the support - I thought the crowd backed the team when they could see they were trying - but that support mirrors the performance - fragile and so it soon dissolved..........

We have got to keep the faith or sorry tossers like dummie will think they call the shots at our Club.

By Fish ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:55 pm: Edit

My God are we split or not? It seems that we either love the man or hate him.

I have to say that I've been repulsed by much of the madness spoken about CL over the season, but for me tonight was the turning point.

I don't agree with Cannock and the others above who felt we had a good game, or that Ipswich were Real Madrid or that brilliant...they're not and they weren't.

What sticks in my throat was that I thought Ipswich quite ordinary, it was only after they sussed out that we could not hurt them that they started to play...we allowed them to. We never got at them and with that team tonight we never would.

How many times has Lee played with Merson up front for it to fail? How may goals have Merson and Birch scored between them in their last ten games ?

Emblen was the obvious choice up there tonight. Lee seems to have learned and understood nothing. The second half was not about Ipswich , it was about our failings.

Tonight, I feel utterly cheated, not by the team but by Colin Lee and the sterlie play that he persits with, his tactics and his inability to change things.

The passing may have been ten times better tonight, but as has been the case through the season there was no end product. The build up was pretty but yet again too pedestrian (it might be OK away from home but at bescot the game had to be taken the the visitors with pace).

I also feel utterly cheated by Lee's lack of response to the situation. As someone said you can set your watch by his substitiutions. I thought that to keep things as they were until 9 mins before the end and 3 mins before the end for the entry of Fryatt was an insult to everyone there tonight.

I don't know whether Lee has lost the plot or was trying to make a point to 'all us budding Alex Fergussons', or perhaps a hundred or so grand, which is what we would need to fork out to pay his one year contract off (not a bad pay day with a job at Home Park waiting for you).

But for me the day has arrived, I say Lee must now pack his bags.

As the man in 'Titanic' said, 'This ship will sink'. It will as long as Colin Lee keeps steeering us towards icebergs. Give Bracewell the wheel I say.

On a slightly more possitive note, I agree with Cannock, I too thought Andrews was outstanding, Zigor aswell.

Looking at the personnel, I still think that it won't take much to get us out of trouble - but Lee is not the man to do it. He has lost the ability to get the best out of his players.

By coxanddrummie ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:00 am: Edit

Hey Mr Scat man Blobbyh bungle. The hills have eyes tonight. Oh yeah baby, the hills have eyes!!!!

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:00 am: Edit

2 0 down, Ipswich get a corner, everybody bar Merson in our own box, what kind of fudge tactics is that ? Tactics of a bloke who has desperately lost the plot.

He can't make decision to save his life, he wrings every bit of self belief and confidence out of every player he comes in contact with.

It's pointless getting rid of him at this stage of the season but for fudge sake, on the Monday after the last game, Lee must go !

I have never seen a team play with such little belief, passion and invetivness. Their keeper can take his gloves back to the shop tomorrow and get a refund for unused goods.

It really hurts me to be so negative about the club I love. But what hurts me more is to see the club turned into the negative, defensive shambles that Lee is creating. I know plenty of people think if you're loyal you should back the manager without question but I can't see blind loyalty doing much good at the moment. I can't just sit there and smile whilst all we've worked for is being frittered away by this clueless buffoon.

By dave burntwood ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:07 am: Edit

How can anyone say we played well tonight? It was easy for Ipswich. They could and should have scored more. But it's not just about one game.
It was just as easy for Sunderland & Coventry, add a home defeat to Watford and I see no hope for the remaining games unless CL goes.

By coxanddrummie ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:11 am: Edit

Here here Mr Roe. Nice post, well put together. A clone of one i made 10 years ago about sh*t bag on this very site. Now, well ive gone mental, all sh*t bags fault.

I wish i had a Rabbit so i could strangle it. I also urge everyone to look at that old picture of Colin Lee on this site and tell me that it's not the most punchable face you have ever seen

By Leamore Saddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:14 am: Edit

After a reasonable first half - what an abysmal second half. The midfield of Osborn, Emblen, Andrews and Corica (which must have pleased all the sad Dingle haters on here!) faded into total obscurity. Emblen and Andrews are not noted for their passing skills, Corica could not do right for doing wrong and Osborn was effectively marginalised by the Tractor Boys after the interval. Merson was dreadful while Birch, to be fair, worked hard, - but to what end? The words "chicken" and "headless" spring to mind. I watched him closely tonight and his movement off the ball is very poor. Also, what sort of striker goes through the whole game without a shot or header on goal?

Like most supporters, I despaired of our coaching/managerial staff. It was clear that Joe Royle's men had turned things around in their half-time talk. As I mentioned above, they shut out our only half decent midfield player and told Darren Bent to drift inside, wait for Aranalde to wander out of postion and then move back into the undefended space behind him. Surely our staff could have alerted our central defenders and Aranalde to this if they had not spotted it for themselves. In fairness to Ziggy (whom I do not rate) he was the only player to put any decent crosses over (How did Merson miss that point-blank sitter?). As for tactics - big boot, route one, dropping on to Matt Elliot's head with unerring accuracy - and this with our heading ability up front.

As for the substitutions........... - it just beggars belief. Why was Fryatt given the last 5 minutes? What was the point of that? I can just imagine Colin's parting words to the lad - "Five minutes left, 0-2 down, Matty. No pressure on you. All we want is a hat-trick!". Has Fryatt changed his name to Roy Race? (Older message board posters please explain that to the younger ones.).

To survive in this division under our financial restrictions requires a manager with outstanding motivational skills to squeeze the very last drop out of journeymen players and energetic promising youngsters (like we really need Burley, the 12th member of the 30+ club - years, that is, unfortunately not goals). It is obvious that CL fails in this area. His personality is as dull as ditchwater, his tactics are sterile, negative and over-cautious and he clearly does not know how to best use substitutes! It would be a great shame if he spoiled all his good work so far - and there has been plenty - by these weaknesses. I hope JB seeks a more dynamic dressing-room presence for next season and allows CL to move upstairs as a Director of Football or similar.

By saddler1985 ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:18 am: Edit

before this match i was totally behind colin
but the situation with the substitutions is getting ridiculous.
i kno we may not have years of experience like
colin but it doesnt mean we cant see when the team is playing crap something needs to be done about it.
if the players make stupid mistakes then lee cant be blamed, if he tries to change it when the teams playing rubbish and we still lose fair enough, at least he made an effort.
but tonight he just did nothing and that is the most fustrating thing and colin not the players has to be blamed for that.
its his job to change things if its going wrong, if hes not there for that he might aswell pick the team then go home.
im not saying lee should be sacked because that would acheive nothing as we couldnt afford anyone better but something really does need to be done else well be supporting walsall in the second division next season

By wfc_2uk ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:24 am: Edit

First half I think we played well, we just couldnt get enough men forward to have a shot on target. Second Half we were awful! I thought Andrews,Bazeley and Zigor were our best players tonight.
A few points about tonight?,
1) Why did Colin bring Corica in for Taylor?, I have to say he should have only made one change and that was the enforced one and he should have brought Fraytt in for Jorge and KEPT EMBLEN UP FRONT.
2) Why did it take the man so long to make a sub?, we were losing 2-0 not creating nothing and the game was dead. When he did make a sub we scored. (I know we conceeded one aswell but we were attacking.

I think some of our fans were idiots tonight but youve got to admit they are allowed to vent their frustraion because if we didnt do it at bescot everything would seem ok to Colin. The chants towards Colin and the board have been coming for a while and tonight you cant say it was a MINORITY because I heard most of the bottom tier and most of the top tier singing chants against Lee, even the family stand got involved!
Osborn and Birch both need dropping, they are both out of confidence. I would rather play Taylor and Fraytt than an under confidence of Birch and Osborn.
As you know I dont like Colin and I havent for a few months now, BUT its too late to sack the man now. He will go at the end of the season but I just fear which league he will leave us in.

By R Navelcrust ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:34 am: Edit

Good job it isn't this negative on rivals.....

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:34 am: Edit

Well there you are. Leamore is not known for his rash, poorly thought out comments (unlike me). Yet he has come to the same conlusion as more and more of us....at the end of the season Lee must go.

You can blame a lack of investment until the cows come home but you can't get past the fact that Lee as seriously under performed with what he's got at his disposal. If I were Bonser and suddenly found a couple of hundred grand under the carpet I would seriously worry whether letting Lee loose with it was a wise move.

By Me2 ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:34 am: Edit

Cox, you are a prize prick, make no doubts. You fancy a pint before a match some time?

By rob ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:41 am: Edit

I tell you whats more of a pisser, the afct Chris Baird has been allowed to join WATFORD of all clubs for a month, why didnt we use our last loan to get him in considering we signed Burley anyway. We needed a right back so what does Lee get?, another midfielder.
I agree some fans were idiots but HAVE YOU noticed more and more are turning on the bloke that promised us Total Football, he forgot the word ••••• in the middle.

By LarryHaggler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:46 am: Edit

it beggers belief that certain posters on here think we played well in the 1st Half tonight !
When did we look like scoring then ? We were totally abject in the 1st and even worse in the 2nd. The only fight in our team was from a lad on loan (Andrews) who I thought played well.
The German Bird in La Manga put up more of a fight than Birch or Merson with Elliot. Midfield ? Please any chance you might close the opposition down ? Occasionly ?
Oh and COLIN LEE - you bigheaded twerp, dont like admitting your wrong eh ? well that's the only reason for not changing things at half time or in the second half.
CL please •••• Off.

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:47 am: Edit

I don't think we could have signed Baird. Didn't someone say he used up his quota with us?

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:47 am: Edit

Amazing isnt it. Didnt go tonight because of work. But once again I read the above and see 2 different views of the match. So I will not even try to comment on which ones right, perhaps they both have their merits.
Ipswich are near the play offs, so they cant be that bad overall. You dont get in that position by being totally useless.
I agree CLs tactics and sub timings have left me very baffled at times. How anyone can play Birch after Saturdays pathetic, miserable display I was amazed to be honest.
Derby and Gillingham lost. Rotherham drew. So it is not quite all over yet.
CL to keep us in this division for an another season. What happens after the final match is up to JB and the Walsall board. But one thing for sure their is no point in chnaging management now.

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:47 am: Edit

Colin Lee is to midfielders what Barry Fry was to strikers.

Perhaps he is cunningly trying to corner the market in central midfielders. Thereby being able to control the price of the commodity. Any club that wants a First Division midfielder will haveto come to us, which will make us a bomb. Clever.

Unless he is just blindly rolling the dice in a desperate attempt to get something to click. Make your own minds up.

By Me2 ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:48 am: Edit

Jesus, so short sighted again!

Dear, oh dear.

Some of you lot need to get into the real world and out of your inbred houses.

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:54 am: Edit

Thanks for the use of your season ticket, Sheff. Can I have a refund please ?

By Confused, you will be... ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:59 am: Edit

Short sighted, the long term picture being??? That with half the team reaching the end of their careers.

By coxanddrummie ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:59 am: Edit

Id love to take you up on that drink offer Me2. Just drop us some details at coxanddrummie at AOL.COM. Id be more than happy to MEET UP my friend.

By LarryHaggler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 01:40 am: Edit

Can some of the above posters actually explain to me what they enjoyed about our 1ts half performance, because clearly I dont understand what game or planet your on.

By kevin ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 04:07 am: Edit

LarryHaggler.I can retrospectively.It was better than the second half.

By Fish ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 06:07 am: Edit

In the dead of night, still feeling cheated, still not being able to believe what I saw last night and reflecting on one of the most inept managerial performances ever, I think on reflection that Bonsor should have got rid of Mr Negative before Xmas when he moaned about the lack of resources and talked about how Walsall could go no further.

His lack of vision was there for all to see.

Trouble is that all of his mates in the media- Kearns, Franks & co. keep telling us what a good guy he is, how hard he works for the club.

I don't get it, I didn't see those qualities last night. It's as though he was looking for the sack.

Can anyone explain what Lee was trying to do last night? / Can anyone explain why he chose the team he did against a makeshift team that has the second worse defensive record in the league and has difficulty away from home ?/ Can any one explain his substitutions ? Can anyone explain anything ?

By LarryHaggler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 07:45 am: Edit

I dont think so Kevin, it took until the start of the 2nd half to have a shot, that's just for starters.

By df ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 08:12 am: Edit

Fish, you're so right. However now isn't the time to drop Colin, that point went by a long time ago. The damage is done and the rot has set so we might as well wait until the summer. I'm still hopeful that relegation can be avoided , however this is more to do with others failings than belief that we have the ability to sort it out for ourselves. You never know, he might look at our results & performance over the past 5 months and do the honourable thing. Blaming everyone else along the way of course.
Still, looking on the bright side, Corica only has 15 months of his contract left.

By Kitman ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 08:43 am: Edit

Lots of references to confidence in the posts above. Confidence which is greatly helped by:
1. Booing players because they once played for the Wolves.
2. Singing "what a load of rubbish"
Call yourselves supporters, please stay away!!!!

By Ian Gittins ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:35 am: Edit

Kitman, well said. There are a lot of idiots at Walsall who deserve to see their team relegated. Who knows? They may get what they deserve.

And sound_out, don't give detailed critiques of games that you didn't see. It kind of makes you sound a bit silly.

By BS ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:37 am: Edit

Kitman and many others, after a defeat so many people come on here and say next game get behind the lads! We can only support them on the reflection of the match, for the first half we got behind the lads because we was playing at a good tempo. We only started turning on them when we had no idea and kept hoofing it up field. Its amazing that the loudest walsall fans have been was the win against WBA,Reading and Nottm For and why?, because it was the best performances of the season. You can blame the supporters as much as you like but we aint going to sing if we are playing crap.
I agree the chant "Too Many Dingles" was un called for but alot of people are fed up because the team that got lee the sack at wolves are close to doing the same here.
WHAT DO YOU LOT EXPECT US TO DO?, carry on singing when we are 3-1 down to Ipswich, 3 points clear of relegtion and 1 win in 12? mmmm US FANS NEED THE CONFDENCE TOO!

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:48 am: Edit

I don't expect someone to chant for a 20 year old to come on as sub and then start yelling abuse at him as soon as he does. I did witness exactly that last night. Singing when you are three one down is exactly what I expect 'supporters' to do, after all the Pompey fans were doing it 5 down the other week. Moan afterwards if you like. I'll also take exception to the comments that the Albion game was oner of our best performances of the season. Best result, yes, but we had, basically four shots which all went in. Merson, between his two goals (20 minutes) didn't find a red shirt. Emblen, in defence was majestic and had to be. That's been the problem all season - too many fans too carried away by one result.

By the way, for the complete idiots in the crowd, Andrews (a WOLVES player) was the only player we had last night capable of playing in the opposition side, plus (possibly) Zigor, who had one of his best games.

By ShropshireSaddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:53 am: Edit

I've kept out of the "Lee Out" debate until now. I've never particularly liked his negative tactics but recognise that he has kept us in this division for a couple of seasons "against the odds".
However, last night was the final straw. What on earth were his tactics last night? Consider:
i) Only one player was capable of scoring a goal and looking dangerous up front on Saturday. What does Lee do - puts him back into midfield.
ii)From the early minutes onwards, it was obvious that Corica wasn't up to the game. His contribution was effectively nil.
iii)Osborn - we keep being told he's playing through an injury. I hope that explains his woeful performances because I thought he was one of our better players through the 1st half of the season. So assuming it is an injury, why persist in playing him?
iv)Substitutes - the 2nd half was crying out for them. Give Birch credit, he put 100% effort in last night but not once did he look like getting near a goal. We have on the bench a goalscorer albeit untried at this level. I don;t expect him to be the great saviour bur surely he's worth a go at this stage. To give him just 3 minutes was perverse. I can only think Lee did it on purpose.

I don't agree with the "anti-Dingle" comments - I don;t care where players have come from. I thought Andrews was terrific last night, MOTM by a mile.
I don't agree with the "what a load of rubbish" chants - the majority of players tried hard.
The only chant which should have been resounding around the ground was "Lee Out". Unfortunately, it's too late now and I am resigned to going down. I just hope that we can then get a manager who can revitalise the team and clear out the dead wood.

By belgian saddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:54 am: Edit

can only comment on the commentary (and that sounded bad enough!!) but even the usually supportive commentary team on saddlers world were baffled last night, motionless, clueless and useless were just 3 of the phrases they came up with last night. the problems were probably in lee's and bonsers minds when they appointed bracewell. lets hope he's remembered his magic wand, he's gonne need it!

By ShropshireSaddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:58 am: Edit

One further thing I realised last night, which is an indication of how poor our negative tactics are. Over the last 30 years, I've averaged about 10-20 away matches a season, matches all over the country. This year, I don;t think I'll be going to one away match! To be honest, I can't be bothered because I know our tactics will be to try and hold on to a 0-0 draw and hope we can snatch a goal but inevitably we'll lose a goal late on and be defeated.
Have a go at me for being "part-time" if you like but I've been to away matches when we were ••••-poor under Hibbit, Sorenson etc and never felt so disinterested at that stage.
Is anyone else with me on this?

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:04 am: Edit

Strange - we're probably better away! Lower expectations.

By Geordiesaddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:24 am: Edit

I feared after Saturdays result and performance that we are definately going down, it just reminded me ot the 1-0 win over Grimsby that Graydon relegation year. This is now more like that season than any other, we are paying for the 6 points thrown away against Forest and Watford away and Crewe at home. We simply dont have the quality to take points off the better teams, nor the battling qualities to get results against the other bottom teams. The momentum suggests we are doomed. The only hope for me is to forget all about trying to scrape 1-0 and 0-0 results and start trying to play football, picking two centre forwards and some players who have the legs to last more than 45 mins. What has Taylor done wrong that he cant get a run in the team? Why did we sign Gary Wales? yes he had a couple of bad games but he has pace, the thing that Merson's passing has been crying out for all season, if he can't get in the team when Jorge is injured then why sign him?? merson is NOT a centre-forward or a midfielder, if he playes he has to be given a free role, and we have to have players around who have the energy to do his running for him - is this so difficult to understand after 37 games?
So off to Preston, more in hope and blind faith than anything, another mid-table outfit there for the taking. Can we have a go at them at least? and trust our excellent keeper and reasonable back four can do a job on their out of form strikers without having to pull 10 men behind the ball.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:27 am: Edit

The 'reasonable' back four let their centre forward score three last night and they'll be up against a better one on Saturday. Bent just has pace, Fuller has everything - not good enough for the Premier, I think, but plenty for this Division. Your best chance is to stop the supply and you know what that means, tactically.

By Stu ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:44 am: Edit

Fuller is suspended on Saturday, is he not? I thought he got a 3 match ban for being sent off Saturday before last.

As for tactics. I'm amazed that a team that have conceded silly goals all season from individual errors are now trying to 'keep things tight', all it takes is 1 error or 1 piece of quality and your game plan has fallen to bits.

Ipswich were the divisions leading scorers, what made him think we could keep a clean sheet against them? On the other hand, bar Wimbledon, they've the worst defence. So even though we've hardly scored goals this season, it was obvious we should have tried to exploit their weaknesses.

Far too concerned with "How can we stop Ipswich?" than with "How can I make Ipswich stop us?"...

A change now won't do any good I don't think, but if we stop up then a change would be right in my view.

Mind you, considering our players wage bill is less than £2m (reported by CL in the press last week) and he is going to have to cut that next season, then we might as well be best going down rather than being whipped next season with whoever in charge.

By Ashley Turner ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:54 am: Edit

Be thankful for small mercies,Neil,because unless his appeal succeeds Fuller will be missing against us because of his recent sending off.

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:07 am: Edit

Ian Gittins, I’ll comment on what the feck I like thanks. I listened to the game on the radio because I couldn’t make the match last night and just because I did doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to comment on what was a dreadful performance. You may not have the mental capacity Ian, to follow a game just by listening to what two PROFESSIONAL commentators are describing, but I my fiend do! Are my points not valid? It seems I can take more in from listening to the radio than you do from actually watching the match you plank – it’s probably those great big blinkers you have on which are blinding you to the reality of our performance!

I agree with all the points made on this board about the booing, abuse thrown at players and things of this description. I have also backed the manager countless times when performances have been poor. But after a dire display against the Don’s (which I did go to watch Ian) and the performance last night I’m justifiably fecking gutted about how my team is playing and blame must be levelled at the manager for this.

People even came on here and defended the result last night, which I find amazing! Quotes like ‘they were the better team, they had better players and so forth’ bollox, we created 4 chances all game. Total negative football and p!ss-poor tactics – that’s why they were better, even with their reserve team out and not for our players not trying either!

I will continue to back the manager till the end of the season, I would be against sacking him now but after that I’d like to see a change at the top. A fresh start for next season be it whichever division we are in!

By Geordiesaddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:09 am: Edit

Neil, Fuller is suspended, Cresswell has dropped into midfield due to lack of goals, and Healy has about 2 goals in 13 games. Draws against mediocre opposition are no good to us, we need at least 3 wins, maybe even 4 to stay up, and we will only get that if we score goals. I believe we have a decent back line, not great but adequate and we have an exceptional goalkeeper. The players we have are the ones that are going to have to get us out of this mess, and to do that we need everyone playing in a position where they are comfortable enough to perform to division one standard. To me that means simple things like playing Centre forwards up front (eg. Wales or fryatt), playing midfielders who are young and fit enough last 90 minutes (eg Taylor), and having more than one attachcking option, eg some pace, some height, and someone like Merson or Corica in a free role where they have had past success at this level. We need to believe in our players and give them a chance to perform. If at the end of the day they are not good enough then so be it, Going into games as we did last night with half fit players playing out of position, and two makeshift strikers just makes it easy for the opposition.

By Mal ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:38 am: Edit

Bad result last night but again I have mixed feelings.

Fans - Are we the New Dingles ?
Manager - Gambled on quality against youth pre season, looks to have missfired
Team - Played well for 25 minutes in the 1st half, outplayed for the rest of the game

Walker - At fault for two goals
Bazely - Steady game
Roper - Struggled when team struggled
Ritchie - Solid 1st half, looks fed up
Aranalde - Best game in months

Corica - ? ran around
Emblen - Lee's nemesis, should not have started
Andrews - Played like he has Walsall tatooed on his arm
Osbourne - tried hard, too much ground to cover

Birch - Best game for three months if ineffective where it matters, not Div 1
Merson - Carried once again, 1 good game in 20 !

Taylor - looked composed
Fryatt - Too little time but would he have made a difference, the game was lost in midfield.

Overall I think Lee has been too loyal too Emblen, the Dons ain't Ipswich. Neil centre midfield was a disaster.

To me the team looks resigned to relegation although I think we will survive. In summary last night Ipswich although ordinary were quicker thinking, better passers and had pace throughout the team, something we all now we have lacked since August.

I don't agree with booing during a game, do what you want at the end that's fair enough. The club seems to be on one hand progressing steadily yet on another in turmoil where it matters, the players.

Samway has Flu, mmmmmmmmmmmm
Wales, sent to Coventry ??????
Lawrence, basically quit and in the stiffs
Oakes, all shirt number and no substance
Emblen, in the press moaning
Ritchie, in the press belittling the club
Walker, not sure looks ready to go
Pedro, finished
Birch, not up to it

By Ian Gittins ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:46 pm: Edit

Hmm. Sound_out, when you're proclaiming that "the second half was absolutely cack" and "we created nothing at all", it just seemed that you might have slightly more credibility if you'd actually seen the game.

An old-fashioned view, maybe, but there you go.

In support of Cannock's view - I went to the match at Milton Keynes this season, when Wimbledon were dreadful and we won 1-0. There was no foul-mouthed abusing of players and manager, no "What a load of rubbish" chants, no desperate undermining of their own team.

If Walsall do go down, the berks who were booing last night can reflect they've played their part in our downfall.

I agree with many of the criticisms - for what it's worth, I'd have started with Fryatt and Wales up front. I'd have also left Taylor in midfield - Emblen doesn't work there. But after years of self-righteously comparing Walsall fans to grumbling malcontents at Wolves, I wonder if we now officially have the worst fans in the division?

By wednesfield saddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 01:02 pm: Edit

does anyone know what gary wales has done so wrong . surely lee should now try a different approach for saturday and use some youth (fryatt/taylor)also some pace(wales) .birch has been given enough opportunities this season and clearly is not up to the job .i cant understand why cl sees in him or why he preferes him to wales. two words for saturday mr lee , pace/width

By PGtips ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 01:20 pm: Edit

Whatever happens from now on my main recollection of this season will be that for once in our 110+ year mediocre history of underachievement we actually attracted a star name with (admitedly declining) world class abilities. And we consistnely played him out of his best position. Like a lottery winner who hits the jackpot and fritters it all away within 2 years we have exposed ourselves as a small time outfit who can not handle good fortune when circumstances conspire to hand it to us. A small time outfit who track a player for weeks, get him in training three days before a game and then fail to register him in time to play so that yet again we have to play a man carrying an injury in his place. Dare I suggest that the clubs administrators were more interested in the paperwork in front of a town planning meeting that the paperwork which should have been in front of the FA over the last 2 days?

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 01:24 pm: Edit

It’s not an old fashioned view Ian, it a downright backward view!

Ian, I am finding it hard to make any sense of your statements. Are you saying that because I listened to two professionals with x years experience and in-depth knowledge of describing football matches then I am talking with limited credibility and my points quoted from these professionals (clueless, useless, uncreative, tactically poor etc.) are not valid? You even seem to agree with the 5 points I made at the top of this thread bring whatever argument you’re attempting to form, down in tatters!

I’ll happily take any criticism levelled at me so long as it has a point to it and it’s valid. Your woffle has neither of these two criteria

By Ian Gittins ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 01:43 pm: Edit

Sound_out, if you are happy to pass on somebody else's viewpoint, second-hand, as your own fully-formed opinion, then that is your look-out. Each to his own, and all that...

By Valid Criticism Saddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 01:43 pm: Edit

"Woffle" should be spelt "waffle".

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 02:26 pm: Edit

Isn't it strange that the time when the Wolves fans really attracted this tag of "grumbling malcontents" was also the time that the wonderful Mr. Lee was their manager.

Can I see a pattern emerging ?

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 02:40 pm: Edit

As I said, I couldn’t make the game last night due to prior engagement so I decided to listen to two paid professional commentators with a wealth of experience who know considerably more than you or I, describe the goings on for me! Now, this concept may seem strange to you Ian, but yes it does happen. Not only that, many other posters who attended the game have also raised the same points raised by the commentators and myself! Your argument would have substance if I was actually wrong – which I might add even you are not stating.

It amazes me why you would want to criticise a post that is by most peoples standards correct – even if it was acquired ‘second hand’ through professional channels! In the same context would you say that any knowledge acquired ‘second hand’ e.g. by radio, seminar etc. is in someway unworthy because it is not gained first hand? Most of us are able to decide what is likely to be fact and not fact - its called intuition Ian. Judging by you pedantic nature you seem to be lacking in this quality.

By Geordiesaddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 02:56 pm: Edit

Well I'm looking forward to Saturday. Despite all the gloom safety is still just there for the taking.

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 02:59 pm: Edit

He has problems with anyone who disagrees with him, Sound-out (be that football, Iraq, law and order, politics or whatever). They are automatically wrote off has being either bladdered or thick.

It must be a lovely world when you instinctively know your always right !

By Stu ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 03:07 pm: Edit

Dave, the Wolves were grumbling far far before Lee was manager their, McGhee, Taylor, they were all like it.

That's what I mean when I say people try to pick faults with Lee just because they don't like him. In hindsight, you'll think "oh yeah, thats right it was before Lee" but its still the thing that its that 'have a pop at CL' mindset.

By Ulster Saddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 03:11 pm: Edit

There are some good points made above - unfortunately they do not fill me with much hope.
Let me tell you what I hoped for and you can tell me if it happened.

I would have liked us to come out of the blocks like a greyhound after the Wimbledon and West Ham results against a team who if we had got ahead could have beaten due to their lack of confidence.
I would have expected us to close them down and give them no space whatsoever so at least they had to work damn hard to earn anything. I would have liked Ipswich to be walking off the pitch at the end of the game thinking to themselves "thank god that games over.....them boys are fighting for their lives". It does not sound like that occurred.

As for tactics - I have always thought that things should be done nice and simple. Over the last few years "experts" have gone overbaord with discussions of tactics. My opinion also is that many players forget what the manger said to them during/before the game anyway and can only handle simple instructions.

I am sort of agreeing with (Geordie I think) that you should have a preferred system and stick to it. You then surround yourself with players who can play in that system. Forwards are upfront, midfielders and in midfield and defenders are in defence. If there is an injury, then you slip a player in and conitue - there is no need to completely change the system and confuse everybody. Personally it drives me mad when a manager plays a player out of posistion for long periods - it just does not make sense.

The lack of fight which seems to be present does worry me when we have to play teams around us. Also, we mention Crewe and Rotherham, but those teams do seem to have goals in them - which is something we appear not to have.


By ShropshireSaddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 04:39 pm: Edit

The best Walsall managers over the last few years (Nicholl and Graydon) believed in very simple systems. Indeed Mr Graydon got every team associated with the club playing the same formation.
I remember being told by someone who knew Chris Nicholl that his view of football was that every passage of play was essentially a "set play" and training at Walsall used to consist of setting up these set plays (eg right back has the ball in his own half, goalkeeper has a goal kick etc) and telling each player where he should be making a run, what he should be looking to do etc.
Nicholl's view was that footballers are very simple characters who need to work on such a simple basis. You may remember it was very successful and certainly brought the best out of players like Kyle Lightbourne at the time.
I'm not so sure it woud work with the likes of Merson etc who are intelligent players but I think you're right Ulster - the strange, continually changing (or non-existent) tactics do baffle the players I'm sure.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 04:49 pm: Edit

Mal - How the hell can you criticise Emblen you pr!ck? All his best games this season have been at centre half and up front. His best game was on Saturday up front - did you go?

Is it his fault Lee then chooses to keep Boomerang Birch in the team and put Emblen back in midfield. Muppet.

I disagree to those that say leave it till the end of the season before getting rid of him. If Graydon had stayed we'd have gone down. The dressing room has been "lost" and the players need a new motivator. If he goes now it gives the new man a better insight into what he needs to do during the Summer to build for next year.

ricky Milton Keynes Saddler - we didn't have 1 in the team last night.

By Kitman ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 05:22 pm: Edit


I am sorry to disagree with you but like I have said before supporting a winning team is easy. The confidence in a team comes from the support given to them by the fans, not the constant abuse they are receiving at the moment. You say "the fans were behind them in the first half", maybe but it is when they are not doing the job properly that they need support. Someone has already mentioned the support the Dons supporters gave their lads on Saturday although they are dead and buried. It must be great to hear that sort of support or indeed the sort of support we gave our lads at Upton Park. We need to get behind them not chanting "what a load or rubbish" The more support they get the better they should perform and even if that doesn't happen we should still be encouraging them. I see your point about supporters needing to see the team performing well to lift them but I believe that if the players are not doing it then the supporters should be trying to get things moving by lifting the players.

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 05:25 pm: Edit

Dave, I figured that was the case. I couldn’t see what he was complaining about especially when he was agreeing with me. I’m right but then I’m wrong – a bit strange…

Up the saddlers!

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 05:53 pm: Edit

If we do have the worst fans in the division then its all down to one man Ian.

In all my time as a fan even during the early 90's drivel we supported our team. Was it our poor supporters that help us to promotions under Nicholl and Graydon twice? No. Was it our poor supporters who kept us up when Lee first took over? No. The majority of the fans are the same people.

The difference between then and now is that Lee had a poorer in quality side but was encouraging them to play without fear. He had battlers and triers in the side which made the fans felt they had to play a part.

Lee is the only one with fear right now and that passes onto the players and fans. A few games can be excused but months of untertaining, passionless rubbish can't be and it has all got too much for many fans.

We didn't expect any better from poor players on poor wages in the Hibbitt days so we took it all in good humour. These recent games cannot be taken in good humour from players who should playing be better than they are.

By Sydneyside Saddler ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 06:34 pm: Edit

Coming from this side of the globe, having seen only one game all season and making my judgements purely on what's been posted here, I shouldn't comment but if I'm honest, I'm absolutely gutted. I have been 100% behind CL until now, but when perennial optimists like Stu and others are saying it might well be time he went (albeit at the end of the season) then all I can see at the mo is gloom.
However what I fail to see is this attitude from the fans.If there's one thing which will make the lads play •••••, it's a pessimistic attitude. It doesn't matter who's in charge, it's our job as fans to get behind the lads and sing ourselves hoarse. This anti-Dingles attitude seems completely irrelevant to me also. What has always made me proud to be a Saddler was the fact that 9 times out of 10 we'd outsing any opposition. Has making the stadium allseater made that much of a difference? When I sat in the Purple last season, it was still noisy, so what's happened since? Whatever's happened, one thing's for sure, we have to get behind our lads 100% no matter who the fella in charge is. I understand where you're coming from boys, but any negative attitude is sure to rub off on the lads. Roar your arses off and keep the negative vibes till after the game at least. I'm still hopeful (only just mind). Up the Saddlers!

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 06:37 pm: Edit

Guess you just have to be there Sydney.

Can you come back soon and smuggle Corica back home in your suitcase.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 06:43 pm: Edit

Ain't some of you lot got any jobs? Do you just post on the internet all day?

By Mal ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 07:32 pm: Edit

Magic Man, good to read your passion but the abuse is a little strong. And yes I have been to all home games, none away this season.

Put into perspective, Emblen is a good squad player at best. A second div performance against a 3rd div side in Franchise FC, my comment in that he was played center mid due to Lee's missjudgement in keeping faith with a player who cannot cut it in midfield and that is how he kept his place. He has played some awful games aswell, aka Cov at home. He is cumbersome and slow

At this stage of the season Lee should keep sentiment for Xmas and not when points are needed.

Midfield for me should have been Andrews, Merson, Taylor and Osbourne. No place for Pedro on the bench, with Birch and Fryat as a straight twosome upfront.

As for being a muppet I thank you for such a retro reference to Hensons masterpieces.

Come on the Saddlers

By Ian Gittins ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 08:05 pm: Edit

Dave Roe, thank you for the glowing character reference! You are too kind, though: I am wrong on many things, on a regular basis.

Despite my many faults, though, I'm rarely so arrogant as to post trenchant opinions on how players performed at a football match that... I didn't see.

Sound Out, my friend, you trusted your radio commentators because they are "professionals with x years experience and in-depth knowledge." Well, so is Colin Lee, and you don't cut him too much slack, eh? Just a thought...

By Walsall Supporter ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 08:17 pm: Edit

I may be wrong, but am I sensing a touch of frustration here?
Does anyone else agree that the purple has contributed to two points of consternation this season, namely a lack of atmosphere and, I think, a lot of this discontent with fellow supporters.
When it was standing, although you stood, by and large, in the same area, if anyone annoyed you, you just moved over a bit and if it persisted, you moved to another location.
Now that everyone is seated, if you sit by a knuckle dragging 'anti-dingle', chances are you've got him for 22 more games.

By ToeJoe Jnr ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:02 pm: Edit

Mal, Emblem has scored more goals than Birch this season, but you still find a place in the team for him? Can't quite fathom that!

My thoughts on some of the points raised.
1. If fans want to voice their opinions, let them. Each and every one of us pays money to see them play, so have the right to voice an opinion. We are customers. If you were purchasing something from a shop and the assistant gave you a a poor service with a lack of effort, would you support him?
2. The, we are little Walsall tag is back again. Lets pack our bags and follow the signs for division 2 then now! What is the point in trying, we are to small to be anything but a mediocre team flitting in between divisions if some of the messages on this board are to be believed.

For the first time this season Colin lost the fans yesterday. It was one inept display too much I think. One point I can't get over is Ipswich played a striker at centre back, but apart from the Merse chance we never tested him. At home that is poor, and questions need to be asked.

By Exile ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:44 pm: Edit

Why pay money when all you do is turn up and moan - you get out of it what you put into it. I know that holds for the players as well, but running out onto the pitch knowing damn well that you'll be abused before 4.45pm is not going to help your game.

Support the Saddlers - those eleven on the pitch playing in our colours are the ones that need support right now, not self-pitying navel gazing 'fans' bent on giving everyone a hard time.

Cheers all,

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:48 pm: Edit

Mr. Gittins, you stupefy me. I struggle to find words that sum up what goes on in the tiny mind of a supporter such as yourself. If I wanted to have a discussion about football and I had the choice of either talking to you or the alcoholic covered in his own puke and pi$$ in the corner – id chose the alcoholic. You were right in your critical review of yourself too – you are wrong on a regular basis.

Let me set you right again. Firstly, I have not posted ‘trenchant’ opinion(s) of how player(s) performed; I posted an opinion of how 1 player performed – this being Corica. To which I went on to point out that he had not played for weeks and was being played out of position. Secondly, you have stated that I don’t ‘cut CL too much slack’ – if you have ever read any of my previous posts on the subject of sacking CL you will find that I have backed him tirelessly all season. I also will continue to back him till the end of the season. If he remains in power next season I will also back him for the good of WFC. I severely hope this will not be the case though.

Now Ian, I can keep setting you right for the rest of the evening but its becoming a little tiresome as I am a busy man with more interesting things to do, far more interesting conversations to have and an enjoyable life to live. Take a little advice - give this up and try to acquire at least one of the 3 things just mentioned, believe me it will improve things for you.

By Ian Gittins ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:13 pm: Edit

Peace out, dude.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:18 pm: Edit

Mal - sorry for the personal abuse, uncalled for.

But Emblen has more workrate and skill in his little toe than Birch. He was excellent up front on Saturday and withour him I doubt we'd have won. He can hold the ball up a lot better than Birch which is what we need for our midfield to catch up with play, because they are constantly too deep defending.

He may be cumbersome in midfield where you need more mobile players to turn quickly and chase the ball. I agree with you there but he didn't look cumbersome or slow when he robbed Rob Gier on Saturday and sprinted to the edge of the boxed then finished clinically did he?

He won us the game at Reading away, he won us the game at Cardiff away with his all action display, he won us the game on Saturday and he gave us 3 points against Preston at home. In fact he has played in EVERY game we have won this season except Forest at home, and he came on as a sub then. A coincidence? I don't think so.

If we had more players with Embens spirit and workrate (i.e. Corica and Osborn) we wouldn't be in this mess.

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:28 pm: Edit

Certainly Ian – Lets draw a line under this now.

By how's that ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:54 pm: Edit


By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:57 pm: Edit


By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:07 pm: Edit

I know we bang on about these Saddlers Nights Out but I think everyone on this board should make a real effort to go. They really help you understand where other posters are coming from. I even found out that Sheff isn't the argumentative big-head that he portrays on this board

I think an end of season celebration/wake would be ideal. People like Sound-out, Magic Man Fan, Me2, David Potter and Ian Gittins should try and attend and we can try to put these arguments into perspective.

Mind you if Ian Gittins goes it will have to be a teetotal night, otherwise he could ignore any points of view as being 'from beer soaked malcontents' or something

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:25 pm: Edit

I'm considering the next one Dave. Not sure about the meal but I might drive over and have a drink. I can't think of many other things that splits opinions so much as football, but its all a bit of fun i suppose.

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:36 pm: Edit

Dave, I want to go because I can imagine these night out are a good laugh, though I can’t until the June meeting because I’ll be in Surrey taking my finals. It would certainly do us all good to put some names to faces. We probably wouldn’t be so rude to each other too if we meet and have a beer together – but isn’t that half the fun!

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:48 pm: Edit

Why not the meal Magic Man Fan ? If you like chinese then Fans is one of the finest around.

I haven't been to a bad one yet Sound-out. We had one the night before the Rugby World Cup Final, bloody hell what a night that was. Staggering out of the pub at about 1am having consumed more alcohol in one night than I had done in the previous month added together. I was a bit rough for the match the next day I can tell you !

Don't worry about being rude to each other, we do the same as we do on here, it's just face to face ! There's still plenty of p1ss taking and ribbing but it's all good natured.

By Sound_out ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:52 pm: Edit

Sounds good Dave, I'll definitely be along to the June meeting!

By JPD ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 03:57 am: Edit

My daughter was doing a special food promotion in Penang (Malaysia) a week or so ago and spoke to one of the guests who was from Pleck - any of the people on this board?

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 08:05 am: Edit

Me - originally. The rest of the Pleck mafia will be along shortly

By Ian Gittins ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 05:30 pm: Edit

Very perceptive, Dave Roe. I am teetotal at the present. Don't know how long I'll keep it up for, mind...

By Dave Roe ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 10:55 pm: Edit

Go on, have a beer, unwind.

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 01:26 am: Edit

Dave - Your a wimp! On the World Cup morning I was up at 8am eating a full English breakfast, followed by mor

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