swampysaddler wrote:For a start it wasn't me who brought Steptoe's name into the equation, that credit goes to Manchester Saddler whilst trying to justify all his doom and gloom regarding Brexit (read back, it is there in black and white).
You are asking for positives of Brexit:
1, No rule by unelected, corrupt, alcoholic, self importance parasites.
2, Control over our OWN borders (as in NOT being told by Merkel and crew that we HAVE to accept 20,000 more migrants that have traveled through numerous safe countries to arrive here. The agreement about Asylum is you claim it in the first safe country you arrive at, not continue to the soft soaked UK).
3, No EU ruling on our OWN (again) fishing waters.
4, Quicker deportation of foreign criminals. Prime example just last week an immigrant had only been in the country six weeks and was charged, and on bail for it, with numerous groping allegations. This only came to light when he was charged with rape. Brilliant integration there.
5, The likes of war criminal Tony Blair, Michael, senile, Hesteltine, John, I knobbed Edwina, Major, Ken, I should of been shot years ago, Clarke all being proved wrong with their doom and gloom predictions (bit like yourself and Manchester :wink: ) not happening. Oh and who can forget the chance to rub Nick, I lost my seat because I am away with the fairies, Clegg's face in it.
7, Continued laughing at the remainer's seeking a best of 5 scenario.
There's a few to name now where are the positives of remaining in the EU ?
I only mentioned Jeremy Corbyn because it highlights what would have happened had the younger people (and not necessarily students) voted in the referendum. This is not a left versus right thing - as you can clearly see by the number of Tory Remainers - and in truth the majority of MPs from all sides.
Now then - let's analyse your "positives".
1. "No rule by unelected, corrupt, alcoholic, self importance parasites" - taking the unnecessary insults aside for the moment, you are 100% wrong. The key word here is "unelected" which is another myth. The EU model works in a similar model to our own - minus the "unelected (and probably alcoholic self-important) peers in the House of Lords. The EU has its own equivalent of our civil service - the EU commission - and I guess these are the people you are talking about. They are as unelected as our own civil service and serve the same purpose. As for the rest, the European Parliament, these are ELECTED by us , commonly known as MEPs. You voted for them I voted for them - Nigel Farage is one of them. These are the guys who vote on EU law, the EU president etc. etc. So they are not unelected. However, unlike the UK, they don't have to pass laws upwards to an UNELECTED BODY who fit the words "self-important parasites" much more aptly - the House of Lords. Oh - and if you want to talk about self-important unelected parasites, try looking closer to home like the Royal family.
2. "Control over our OWN borders" - ah - the xenophobic viewpoint. The thing is that freedom of movement works both ways and we get as much benefit out of it as the rest of the EU. And for none-EU countries, there is more scrutiny - which won't change - UNLESS more open borders are a proviso of a trade deal with another country. Earlier, Theresa May visited India to try to start talks about a deal and one of the first items on the agenda was more freedom of movement between the two countries. I can also speak from personal experience because we have a reciprocal arrangement with China for more movement. When I first went to China many years ago, I only had a 6 month Visa; now it is 2 years - and it is still valid now, even though my last visit was in 2016. And this happened BEFORE the referendum. People want to come to the UK so I imagine that any deals with countries will involve a more reciprocal movement plan. In fact, this will almost certainly happen even with the EU itself. And we will be weaker because we will be more desperate for trade deals. If Brexit happens (I still have my fingers crossed that it won't), then we will have the same model as Norway or Switzerland, I reckon - i.e. some form of freedom of movement will happen.
3. "No EU ruling on our OWN (again) fishing waters" - and we will lose out on access to the larger fishing waters on the much bigger shores of the EU. And any trade deal will have a proviso on fishing for sure.
4. "Quicker deportation of foreign criminals" - ah yes - another xenophobic view - probably about the minority and straight out of the Daily Express. Hardly an important point when you consider the shitstorm to come. Ah - maybe you are thinking about Abu Hamza - an Egyptian - who we struggled to kick out. Sadly, for every arse like him, there are more British equivalents like Anjem Choudary - we couldn't deport him could we? Maybe we should look at our own UK criminals too - as crime is actually rising due to lack of police funding etc.
5. My predictions still stand. Reread my posts, It will happen - it is slowly happening already. You know it is true but you just won't admit it :D When's your next holiday to Europe? Better start saving up. :wink:
Laugh all you want at Remainers but ultimately you will find out the consequences. Economy in tatters, lack of investment, worker's rights being pissed up the wall, job losses, companies moving to the EU and finally the UK having little or no influence in the world. For a start, Brexit already means we will lose any influence over 27 countries.
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