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The demise of West Ham

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The demise of West Ham

Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:53 pm

Rubbish team with rubbish out of control fans.
I've never been a fan since some of theirs very publicly called Glenn Roeder "tumour boy" because of his cancer.

They should have bought Deeney because they have no attack apart from Arnautović.

Do we have to thank their rabid fans however?
Imagine the scene at chez JB when they have just watched Match Of The Day and are just settling down to a glass of Cypriot Red....
"Jeffie darling, we wouldn't want the unwashed to start shouting at us like the West Ham animals do would we?
Be a dear and show that earnest fellow Jon the door there's a petal.
Oh, and let the cat out too please"

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