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Leyton Orient (a) - LDV Trophy - 30th November 2004

Reports and reaction from the 2004-05 season as Walsall finished 14th in League 1
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Leyton Orient (a) - LDV Trophy - 30th November 2004

Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:04 pm

By Exile ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 09:35 pm: Edit

Still nil-nil says Ananova. it's gonna be tough, I think - prove me wrong, Saddlers!

By MRWHITE ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 09:55 pm: Edit

1-0 to orient. og mark wright


By MRWHITE ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:01 pm: Edit

1-0 to orient. og mark wright


By SwedishSaddler ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:08 pm: Edit

yeah, really frustrating.

By Shad ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:17 pm: Edit

We just dont sound like scoring

By Exile ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:30 pm: Edit

With apologies to Geordie for nicking his great post. It doesn't look like much has changed, does it?

"Ive designed a pro forma for Walsall match reports this season, just to save time.

It goes: Lots of pretty football, but little attacking threat.

Today's shuffle of the pack saw ....... dropped, and...... recalled.

Today's moment of awol defending that cost us the game against mediocre opposition was by.........

Today's cock-eyed official was Mr. .......... "

By andy_vh ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:32 pm: Edit

sounds dreadful. just no service to the front two

By wednesbury saddler ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:37 pm: Edit

How on earth has wrack missed that? what a load of cr@p agen

By andy_vh ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:38 pm: Edit

worse than kanu's miss apparently from wrack!!!!!!! is that possible?

By Shad ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:41 pm: Edit

Just said on WM one step foward two steps back. Says it all.

By Megadeth ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:42 pm: Edit

What a pile of drivel - god i hope merson isn't out for the season! I also hope it works miracles in the loan signings - cause that's what we'll need to have any joy this season. Out of all cups competitions before December - that is just disgusting i'm sorry.

By papa chango ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:53 pm: Edit

We are a poor team, no width, no drive, no money no hope.

Next summer I'm off to sunny Spain a viva Espania.

By papa chango ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 10:55 pm: Edit

We are a poor team, no width, no drive, no money no hope.

Next summer I'm off to sunny Spain a viva Espania.

By Bristol Fan ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:16 pm: Edit

Why would Merson be out for the season? Did he get injured?

By Geordiesaddler ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:27 pm: Edit

I'm off tomorrow, well there's no match on Saturday so might as well. The 4 winnable games to change the season? Well we can now only win 3 of the 4 so the requisite return is no longer possible. Oh well that's life at the moment.
Shame, I guess sometimes when supporting this club its the hope that kills you, really fancied we could win this competition.
But then again....this could be just the kick up the backside we need....buenes nochas, beer pour favour - better still pour it down me throat.

By andy_vh ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:30 pm: Edit

hes out with a calf strain thats all. should be back on tuesday he was rated 50/50 for today

By Bristol Fan ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:31 pm: Edit

I thought we might win it too but let's face it, being out of the LDV is no great disaster so I hope people don't get carried away. I do worry however that the majority of our goals come as a direct result of a bit of magic from Merson, and to be so reliant on a 36-year-old (who might be out of a job at a moment's notice) isn't a great place to be.

But anyway, living down here, getting any info about the LDV is pretty tough... so was Merson injured or not? Or did I misinterpret Megadeth's post?

By Bristol Fan ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:34 pm: Edit


By Megadeth ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:47 pm: Edit

Merson had a calf injury apparently and rested himself. Just as well as hopefully he's seen the impossible task he has on his hands of replacing himself if he is out for any lengthy period. I hear he should be fit for next Tuesday.

By Geordiesaddler ( on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 11:49 pm: Edit

I disagree, I think we had a great chance to get to Cardiff looking at who was left in our half of the draw and surely that would have been something to get very excited about.

Fact is given 3 games against 4th division opposition we won 1 lost 1 and drew 1. Over those 5 hours of football there was nothing to choose between us and 4th division opposition. Add to that the manner of the exits from the other 2 cups and there is one huge positive to draw from this season's cup results ( for those that are obsessed with that sort of thing ) - it makes our league form look fantastic!
Roll on Hartlepool and Bradford. I can't wait to get back from holiday so I can get behind the lads once again. I wonder if I will see any of the lads out there on my jollies? I'm sure some of them must be a bit tired and deserving of a rest by now, maybe I'll bump into Vinny? (spit spit, ex Dingle Lee out spit).

By Geordiesaddler ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 12:02 am: Edit

So did he abandon 4-3-1-2? or was some mere mortal lower division player handed the hallowed baton of the man in a hole.

By Me2 ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 12:31 am: Edit

LDV was never a big deal, lets face it. A nice day in Cardiff maybe, but even if we had won it its still no biggie.

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 12:40 am: Edit

What a truely PATHETIC and ABYSMAL result.
No desire. No effort. And most of all, no duty to the fans of Walsall FC.

By Bristol Fan ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 01:35 am: Edit

Ah yes. Strangely quiet following two successive league victories, but defeat in the mickey mouse cup brings back the Merson Out brigade.

How anyone can consider six points from two league games as "one step forward" but defeat in the LDV Vans Area Quarter Final "two steps back" is beyond me. Three points against Hartlepool is what counts - fail that and by all means call for the manager's head, but losing the game tonight is pretty insignificant, however nice a day out in Cardiff may have been.

By Geoff Whiting ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 02:46 am: Edit

I agree to some extent Bristol Fan, but this was another defeat against a team a league below - and we apparently made hardly any scoring chances and were deservedly beaten - Mickey Mouse competition or not, that is NOT good news.

Merson said this was our FA Cup, a real chance to get to Cardiff, but we seem to have performed like we didn't care. Seems that despite the claimed importance of the competition, we just blatantly failed to rise to the occasion, and although I'm not getting on the Merson Out bandwagon, I certainly do find that very worrying !

I'm one very pi$$ed-off and embarrassed fan tonight, which does not make me happy.

By Leamore Saddler ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 03:00 am: Edit

Megadeath - out of all cups? What about the big one - the Birmingham Senior Cup?

Tonight's performance was depressing. Only three players emerged with credit - Bennett (what a surprise!), Murphy and Emblen. Without Merson, we have no-one who can pass a ball. We had 3 shots at goal (Leitao, Fryatt and a "Kanu-esque" miss by Wrack).

I am fed up of saying that we have the worst pair of full backs in the Football League and they combined for Orient's goal, set up by Aranalde and scored by Wright. Quite what Merson sees in Wright's performances is beyond me (and, I suspect, most other fans). He cannot tackle, cannot cross the ball, cannot beat an opponent with the ball at his feet, etc., etc., and yet it was Wright's "good form" which prompted Merson to release Bazeley and Bewers! The Spanish clown just gets worse. He is clueless. He looks like a scruffy tramp and he plays like one.

Osborn, Kinsella, Standing and Wrack were mostly anonymous in midfield and lacked any semblance of creative flair.

Up front, Birch and Leitao were totally ineffective. Just how badly does Leitao have to play before he gets dropped? Birch tried his best but he just ain't good enough, I'm sorry to say, although the so-called "fans" who booed him, when he went off, were bang out of order and should be ashamed of themselves.

I was looking forward to the LDV Final but that's another dream shattered as Orient were full value for their win.

Roll on the Hartlepool game and the chance to get tonight out of the system!

By Cal's a saddler ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 07:24 am: Edit

I can't go to away games anymore so I settled down to listen to the game on WM, wish I hadnt bothered!!
It may have only been the LDV cup game but it was a chance to keep the momentum going and what did we do? NOTHING!! It sounded awful on the radio, no guts, no fight, no width, no strikers, no midfield, no defenders, no idea!!!
I do hope the team feel lousy about that performance coz I feel sorry for the 150+ fans that travelled all that way to what sounded a building site of a "ground" to watch a bunch of misfits who take the money and run!
They should all be ashamed of themselves, but then again I don't know why I should be suprised seeing that all the last two results have done is to paper over the very big and getting bigger cracks in our team.

By perstener ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 08:00 am: Edit

Why are this messageboard so active when we loose and not when we have won?

By wfc_2uk ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 08:40 am: Edit

I went last night and frankly I DEMAND my money back. There was eight on the coach, and we got there 2 and half hours before the game, god knows why? We also nearly collided with a caravan and a lampost when the driver went down a street so narrow birches fat arse couldnt et down.

As for the match, I wish I could get paid for doing jack cack. We was awful 4 shots all game, 2 in the last minute, 2 off target! Jorge has got to leave the club he simply hasnt got it any more. Merse you have got a week to change the playing staff because these lot are a bunch of barclays!
God I am peed off.
And yes i did take this competition seriously I went to all three games, pity the players didnt

By wfc_2uk ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 08:41 am: Edit

I went last night and frankly I DEMAND my money back. There was eight on the coach, and we got there 2 and half hours before the game, god knows why? We also nearly collided with a caravan and a lampost when the driver went down a street so narrow birches fat arse couldnt et down.

As for the match, I wish I could get paid for doing jack cack. We was awful 4 shots all game, 2 in the last minute, 2 off target! Jorge has got to leave the club he simply hasnt got it any more. Merse you have got a week to change the playing staff because these lot are a bunch of barclays!
God I am peed off.
And yes i did take this competition seriously I went to all three games, pity the players didnt

By Megadeth ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 09:09 am: Edit

Leamore, sorry i forgot about the Birmingham Senior Cup! Phew, hopefully Merse will treat that like the FA Cup and who knows it could be a big money spinning final, ROLF.

Wonder how they youth team will do in their competition? Probably a damn sight better than the senior pro's anyway.

By Bristol Fan ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 09:34 am: Edit

I agree with the above comments about Leitao and Wright. Wright has to play now because we have nobody else, but I can only assume something has gone on we don't know about with Fryatt because otherwise surely he would be playing instead of Leitao.

Let's face it - Merson is a brilliant player who'd get into any team at this level and he creates the majority of our good play - without him in the team we are nothing. When he's not there we simply can't afford to play the same system as when he is (which I assume we did last night with Standing between midfield and attack) - a switch to 442 with Wrack and, I suppose, Taylor on the wings would surely see us creating more (it couldn't see us creating less by the sound of things).

Still - as has been said - three points against Hartlepool and things will be OK.

By MR D DOFFER ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 10:29 am: Edit

Doffer Here,


The quicker we can get new faces into this team - from wherever - the better.

The likes of Jorge ( I never thought i would say it )Birch, Kinsella were just to coin a phrase - IDLE *ASTARDS.
Wright"s distribution is inept.
Fryatt has his mind in another place.

I know i can menthion others, but the quicker the above get sent to the reserves for a couple of games the better.

And making sure there not even seen on the bench till after xmas.
Let"s see then, if they are going to give us some commitement and passion - if not- Simply *uck them off.

How dare these so-called professionals take the *iss out of us die hard supporters, it is absolutely disgraceful.

I can rant and rave all day long, but some of these players need a lesson, a hard one at that and NOW - not later.


By Stu ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 12:20 pm: Edit

I was hoping I'd wake up and I'd have dreamt it, but I honestly the saw the worst match of my entire life last night. No, I'll re-phrase that. I saw the worst Walsall performance of my life last night.

A performance that makes Slough look like 1970s Brazil, a performance that makes the Hibbitt era look like a Cryuff inspired Dutch team.

We played a 4-4-2... Which only goes to show how the entire team is built around a 36 year old as we had to change the entire team.

Standing and Wrack were the wide midfielders, I won't say wingers, as they're not wingers.

Murphy - Didn't have much to do, but was completely static on their shot that hit the post. That lad wants to lose a stone or so if he wants to get a career at the Bagladies.

Wright - Final ball lets him down so much, seemed to be under no pressure when he put through his own net.

Aranalde - Should be charged for Fraud & Deception.

Emblen - Didn't have much to do.

Bennett - Same as Emblen, although he made one blinding run down the left flank in the 2nd half.

Wrack - Absolutely zero.

Standing - Was he on the pitch? I know they read his name out, but I think he might have stayed indoors.

Kinsella - Needs to look in the mirror

Osborn - Best of a bad bunch, at least put himself about a bit more than anyone else. Didnt' really help us going forward though.

Birch - No service to the lad at all, he tried but had to drop deep to fetch the ball.

Jorge - Useless, at least had a shot in the 85th minute. Again no service at all though.

I was embarrased to be a Walsall fan last night, met up with a mate after who'd been in the Orient end, he couldn't believe how bad we were/are.

Without Merson, there was not an ounce of creativity, vision or attacking prowess.

Why bring Daryl Taylor on and not pass the ball to him?

I know fans say they want their money back, but I've got a damn good mind to send my ticket, train travel and expenses in and get those lazy good for nothings to pay me back. The first XI only need to contribute a £5 each and that covers me and my time.

No passion, no heart, no energy, no desire, no brain. Just 11 people impersonating footballers and taking money off our football club without giving anything back in return.

An embarrassment to us all.

Real entertainment was walking into the Coach & Horses just after 6pm to see Bonser, Whalley, Bill Jones and some woman standing at a table having a drink. Amused the Spurs and West Ham fan at least.

By Tim Wilkes ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 04:33 pm: Edit

A truly awful game, enlivened only by a 'partial mass brawl' near the end, when both sides should probably have had a man sent off. Actually, partial match brawl just about sums up the attitude of some of our players - a few of them couldn't even be bothered to join in the fight.

To round off a bad evening, I got back home just in time for last orders, only to find that the pub had shut early on advice of the police due to problems after the Fulham v Chelsea game. Even worse, I foolishly purchased a London Evening Standard in the hope that it would help pass the 45 minute tube journey from Leyton...of course, everything worth reading in it could be read in about 3 minutes....why do I fall into the trap of buying this crap rag once or twice a year? Stll, having read it, I think I now know why everything has gone pear shaped at The Bescot...must be Ken Livingstone or Crack-heads.

By wfc_2uk ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 07:08 pm: Edit

The only higlight of the night was the fish I got from a fish bar on the high street it was massive. I tell a lie another higlight of the night was seeing the disgust on whalleys and Bonsers missus face when 10 of us shouted our anger towards the grey haired mule.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 07:11 pm: Edit

Exile, Geordie's pro forma match report needs changing. You can take out:

"Lots of pretty football" The rest applies though.

Truly awful, as Stu says worse than Slough.

At least I only paid £10 to get in cos they'd run of change by the time I got there. It wasn't even worth that though.

By Bob wheener ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 11:01 pm: Edit

walsall played crap against layton orient day they

By Malc O ( on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 11:51 pm: Edit

Orient fan here. I went to the game last night and couldn't believe the way in which the saddlers played. I have been to many of walsall games with Doffer dating back to the Graydon era, I was shocked at the way walsall played. No width, wayward passing, no communication and to be honest, they looked as though they didn't give a to$$.
I hope things get sorted, and sorted soon as I have always enjoyed visiting the Bescot and know how passionate the fans are.
Anyway, on a different note, all the posts above mention how poor Walsall were, how do you rate Orient? We're a massive improvement on last season at the minute. Last night we had our 2 top strikers (Gary Alexander and Lee Steele) out through injuries, but thought we held the ball up well and created chances.

Good luck this weekend against Hartlepool.

By Dave Roe ( on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 02:06 pm: Edit

It's Tuesday (because we decided not to take any further part in this FA Cup thingy) but thanks anyway.

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