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Port Vale (h) - League - 7th August 2004

Reports and reaction from the 2004-05 season as Walsall finished 14th in League 1
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Port Vale (h) - League - 7th August 2004

Tue Dec 07, 2004 11:57 am

WALSALL: McKinney, Bazeley, Bennett, Emblen, Roper, Standing (Daryl Taylor 70), Wrack, Kinsella, Merson (Williams 70), Birch (Leitao 78), Fryatt. Subs Not Used: Paston, Broad.
Goals: Fryatt 12 pen, Williams 82, Daryl Taylor 86.
Booked: Roper, Bennett, Bazeley.
Sent off: Roper (67)
Attendance: 8,225
By Dave Gittins ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 09:20 pm: Edit

I'm very surprised that no-one has started a thread yet about the Vale match.

First of all, I have to get off my chest how absolutely cr*p the ref was. It's not as though he was biased towards one particular team, both sides were sh*t on by Mr Probert. It was not a dirty match but there were 9 bookings and two sendings off. It says it all when both sets of fans were singing you don't know what you're doing at him.

That aside, it was a very promising performance. As expected, Vale came to make life difficult for us and in honesty there probably wasn't much to choose between the two teams. Merson proved he wasn't just making empty promises when he promised to give youth a chance and play attacking football. Leroy Williams' debut was as good a debut as I have seen in a good many years and he took his goal superbly. Daryl Taylor also looked very good when he came on. I'm afraid that Birch just didn't do it again for us and I am only surprised that he wasn't taken off sooner.

Until just before the end I was thinking that McKinney was proving to be solid if unspectacular keeper before he blotted his copybook with his disasterous moment in stoppage time. At least it didn't cost us any points. On the way out of the ground I received a text from a friend of mine who happens to be a Valer fan. It read simply 'dodgy keeper'. For all our sakes I hope not. I am not judging yet, it is far to early for that.

By dornans og ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 09:32 pm: Edit

didnt go to game as was at work .Have been waiting for comments to come up and beginning to wonder if i had dreamt the radio commentary although the second half was nightmare by the ref. come on people i want opinions.(do you see what i did there, dream/nightmare clever eh!)

By dler ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 09:37 pm: Edit

It certainly was a stonking mistake - but as you say, it didn't cost. This time. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say the game was over, he wasn't concentrating. This 'episode' will be a learning experience for him.

As to the refereeing, isn't it always the case that for the first few games of every season, there are lots of cards for misdemeanours that later in the season are unpunished. Don't know why it happens, but it does.

By Stu ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 09:51 pm: Edit

Can't agree with your judgement of it being a "very promising performance".

I thought we looked tooth-less and clueless for the vast majority of the match.

Port Vale said "break us down" and we couldn't except for a penalty. The only one piece of real quality was our 2nd goal when we really opened up a gap in their defence. The 3rd goal came as they chased a match and we took advantage from a set-piece. I was disappointed by us in an attacking sense.

However, I'll acknowledge it was bloody hot out there and it was early days, so its not bad, just not quite what I was hoping for.

McKinney looked shakey I thought, he seemed to sort of have a 2nd grab at most things that came his way. His first touch on the goal showed why he is a keeper, lol, but he looked alright apart from that.

Liked Williams and Taylor, nice to see some energy, pace and running at players. However, I'm not sure how we accomodate them in a starting XI. Bennett looked very steady, Emblen a class above and Baze looked very competent. I thought Birch did alright bearing in mind he had very little service, certainly no worse than anyone else.

Not a great start, but a decent start and a good building block if we can go from there.

As for the Ref... This might amaze people, but I thought his basic decisions in terms of free kicks etc were all right. His problem was his need to book a person every time he blew for a free kick, if he'd kept his cards in his pocket, he'd have been classed as a decent Ref I think. Can't see him getting another match for a while.

By Me2 ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 10:04 pm: Edit

Stu, did you forget the way to Bescot during the last few weeks? Sounds like you were at a different match.

By Dave Gittins ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 10:08 pm: Edit


The reason why I classed it as a very promising performance was that it was
a: our first match in a new division and we have to find our feet
b: the first match of the season when it normally takes a while to settle and get used to new team members
c: as you say it was bloody hot out there

I'm not saying it was a great performance but as you say it is a good building block to start from.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 10:52 pm: Edit

I agree with Stu, Birch did a lot better than he has in pre season. It seems some people want to have a go at him becuase that is what they are used to. I will only have a go when I think he deserves it. No, he wasn't spectacular but he wasn't worse than anyone else and won far many balls than he usually does. He linked up well a few times with Fryatt.

Dodgy moment from McKinney but other than that he was ok. Those that give him too much stick should remember what Jimmy was like in the early days, he wasn't mistake free in the slightest so get behind him.

Nothing spectacular today, I was very surprised that Birch and Standing got the nod in front of Leitao and Broad. I was interested to see what we did when Vale equalised and we did exactly what Colin Lee wouldn't have done....gone for a win. Merse was very brave and bought 2 extra forward players on and they both scored...job done, game won. Say no more.

It won't always work like that but its always worth a gamble instead of sitting back and settling for a draw. It was very difficult to judge todays performance in a game spoilt by a diabolical referee who was determined to be centre of attention. I had pleasure in telling him what I thought of him as he left the ground for his car late after the game.

It wasn't the best performance but we won and I think there is plenty more to come from the team. A promising fact is that all the youngsters scored which will boost their confidence. Also the fact that the whole team mobbed each other when we scored which shows the team spirit that Merse has instilled.

By Me2 ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 10:55 pm: Edit

I dont think we even got out of second gear to be honest, plenty more to come.

By Andrew Curl ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 10:57 pm: Edit

Heh, great point Me2.

By RedAlways ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 11:14 pm: Edit

Bit too much in the middle with Wrack, Standing and Merson. I thought Taylor might come on for Merson to give us some width and extra pace, but Williams as well was a surprise.

Can not understand Jorge being on the bench after the Villa game and thought Broad would get the vote over Standing.

Early days, but OK so far. There is obviously much more to come from what we have got now. The kids could be electric away from home with their pace on the break!

What odds a replacement for 'Mr Clumsy' Roper before long. And what can this Brazilian do?

A win at B'mouth could see another good gate for our next home game, at least by our standards. With the new prices, Mersons budget might be looking rather better if this carries on.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 11:16 pm: Edit

If we look for a replacement for Roper then I'll be ripping my season ticket up. Clumsy as he is at times that was never a booking that led to his sending off.

By Dave Roe ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 11:24 pm: Edit

I was just reading the match report on the teletext and it said both teams had a player sent off along with Martin Foyle and Iffy Onoura. I'd forgot that those two had also been sent off. Anyone reading that who hadn't been to the game would have thought it was a blood bath, when in fact I can't remember one bad tackle.

I think the ref had been shopping in Matalan at 2pm when somebody dragged him into the ground and threw him into a ref's outfit. Where do they get these hopeless prats from ?

A bit of a non event from our midfield, I thought, today. Standing and Kinsella were very anonymous. I agree that Birch was not as bad as usual, but that's like saying I wasn't as bad as usual, I'd still be bloody useless.

Early days and very difficult conditions. Not bad but could/should get better.

By Leamore Saddler ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 11:47 pm: Edit

MMF - "...but it's always worth a gamble..." - bit of an unfortunate turn of phrase, considering our manager's well-publicised personal problems!

I agree with Stu's assessment and regarding the referee, I am a little disappointed that Steve Roy hasn't set up the suggested "Geoff & Sheff on the Ref" feature, yet. You can vent your spleen on the "Rate the Ref" site. Reading the Vale fanzine, I see they had problems with Mr. Probert, last season. He was all too typical of the current crop of referees who have no man-management skills whatsoever, reaching for their cards at every opportunity. Just look at the performance of the only English referee at Euro 2004, Mike Riley - out came the cards at the first trivial offence. The F.A. should pay as much attention to this as they do to their extra-curricular bonking!

By Stu ( on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 11:52 pm: Edit

me2, so what was so different then? Of the half a dozen or so folk I spose to, that was the general consensus. Apart from Sheff who thought Birch was crap, but he hates Birch as much as Dave Roe hates Corica and neither of them give the respective player a break.

I say we couldn't break them down at all, which we couldn't. Can you name me one clear cut chance? Not an effort from 20 yards, but a proper chance. We didn't create one. Two of our goals came from set-pieces.

As I say though, there is more to come and the weather wasn't in favour of a high energy game. Which is the same as your "2nd gear" comment.

What did you dis-agree with then? My comments on the Ref I guess, that's down to opinion, I just think the free kicks he gave were in the majority, right decisions, unfortunately his need for a card for every free kick was atrocious.

By Andrew Curl ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 12:00 am: Edit

After my years of underground monitoring, secret reports, documents, dossiers and other secret information, i'm now more or less convinced that there's a 'Bollocks referee' faction working amongst the undertakers of the beautiful game. but shh, you didn't hear it from me.

That's made my opinion clear anyways ;)

By Mark Cassell ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 12:17 am: Edit

Wasn't the greatest performance, wasn't the right team selection imo, why no jorge, made a big impact as sub. As did the other two lads.

No broad ? Surely should of been before standing, who worked hard, but i wasn't over impressed.

Merson was well he was just merson of last season.

Fryatt, he didn't get much service, but its obvious the boy has talent. I was also very pleased with bennett.

But as has been said, first game, new division, very hot. New players. It will get better, we got the win. And the ref didn't help us by stopping the game every two seconds, it actually suited vale.

Whats this about Replacing roper ? Find me a better center half in division 2 or whatever its called. He is quality. Simple as that.

By RedAlways ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 12:32 am: Edit

MMF Roper might have a heart like an Ox and have Walsall FC in every ounce of his body, but how many more penalties does he have to concede. How many more freekicks given away near the box. How many more bookings and suspensions.

Perhaps he did not deserve to be booked. The fact is it is happening too often, rightly or wrongly.

Perhaps he is going through one of those spells, like when Jimmy Walker was conceding penalties and getting sent off. Perhaps he will settle down again.

The fact is that someone needs to take him out of Bescot and coach all these weaknesses out of his game. The sooner the better. In the meantime, who comes in when he is suspended?

By RedAlways ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 12:32 am: Edit

MMF Roper might have a heart like an Ox and have Walsall FC in every ounce of his body, but how many more penalties does he have to concede. How many more freekicks given away near the box. How many more bookings and suspensions.

Perhaps he did not deserve to be booked. The fact is it is happening too often, rightly or wrongly.

Perhaps he is going through one of those spells, like when Jimmy Walker was conceding penalties and getting sent off. Perhaps he will settle down again.

The fact is that someone needs to take him out of Bescot and coach all these weaknesses out of his game. The sooner the better. In the meantime, who comes in when he is suspended?

By Stu ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 01:11 am: Edit

That'd also be the Ian Roper that Merson said last week he wants to build his team around... I know that the cynics will say its his way of building up Roper's confidence, but you've also got to acknowledge that Merse wouldn't say it if he didn't rate him. After all, we haven't heard him say he wants to build the team around Ziggy...

Roper is a class act, I'm not that convinced that he gives away more free kicks than anyone else either to be honest. Its something that he has grown out of, but his reptuation has stuck with him.

As for who comes in... Dakinah? Julian Bennett with Taylor or Aranalde in at left back? Scott Dann. There is 3 for starters.

By coxanddrummie ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 01:17 am: Edit

Went to the match and here is my opinion and because it is my opinion that makes it plain fact so no need for any other posts.

Firstly just a quick comment on that gimp that called himself a referee. How can the football association employ a man in the first place who has a hair style that Duran Duran would of been proud of in 1984. This is 2004 and he has made the judgement that this is fashionable. How therefore can he be expected to make a correct desicion on the field of play.

Now onto the team. Im concerned with the defence in terms of dealing with balls from wide areas, we look a little square. There were a few occasions today when balls were delivered and they wasn't dealt with. Better teams will punish that, sort it. Having said that overall i thought both Emblem and Bennett had good games. Bennett shows maturity beyond his years.

Midfield didn't work hard enough. Didn't set a good tempo. Now i know it was very hot, i know it was the first game and match fitness isn't as strong as it can be but in order to play an attacking style the midfield is a key area in which to set a tempo.

Kinsella will come good. He's a bits and pieces player. Standing im not sure of. I know it's his first game but im gifted enough to see a player quicker than you lot (Brian Cough thought so) Standings body language looked negative to me. Broad should get the nod, for now.

Fryatt is a good finisher and i like his workrate. Needs to improve his first touch though and that will come with time, im sure of that. Jorge deserves credit for his part when he came on. Of course so do Taylor and Williams, both exciting players and im telling you all now, Leroy Williams will play for England within 5 years.

Last but not least Birch. Now i don't wanna get on the mans <---(questionable) back but can someone please pull his shorts down and see if he has a cock and two balls cus im convinced he has a fanny.

Talkin of fanny, im off to hurt some
ta ta

By Andrew Curl ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 02:29 am: Edit

Good point, how nobody until now has mentioned the referees hair; surely if 'celebrating too much' was a decent reason for a red card his hair is too...

By sedgers ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 08:37 am: Edit

dont wont to moan to much as it is the first game of the season but we were very poor until the kids and jorge came on.to many long balls were the reason the midfield looked absent and we definately lacked ideas in the final third.never should have re-signed birch and thought merson had his mind on the 3.30 at chepstow as he looked very much off the pace.but the plus points were the kids bennett,fryatt,leroy and daryl taylor who prove that sheer enthusiasm,pace and no respect for the opposition can kill off a team rather than lumping it forward to birch and sitting back.wont bother mentioning the ref,gutted for mckinney looked solid enough apart from his kicking but hope that error doesnt effect him to much,roll on tuesday!

By Percie ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 10:14 am: Edit

Talking of Tuesday, who's gonna be attending that game?

Up The Saddlers

By Jorge14 ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 10:58 am: Edit

I'll be there Percie, accompanying Mr Randle, Statistics Man, Sun Tan Man, 70's Man, Don, Jumper Man etc. all the way to the South Coast. You go on the Supporters club coaches don't you Percie?

i thought we were relatively impressive yesterday. I was pleased with Fryatt's movement off the ball, and I thought Birch was holding up the ball much better. Whilst he is still miles away from his ability, Birch has got to try and asert himself into an Andy Rammell type of role. Obviously Birch isn't going to be the marrauding centre forward like Rambo, but he has the credentials to be a decent forward player.

RedAlways, what team have you been watching the last few years? Ian Roper has been outstanding. He is our most consistent players, and I've lost count of the number of "Big Name" players that he has kept quiet. Rob Earnshaw last August for Cardiff at the Bescot springs to mind. Just because he buys Canary Yellow Convertables doesn't mean we should replace the man. We will have a consistent centre half pairing in Roper and Emblen this season, something every team needs. As Merse says, I'm surprised he doesn't get any phone calls off other managers for Ian Roper. He is our 'Steady Eddie'.

Remember too that Merson has not played football this low down the pyramid since the mid-1980's, it will take him a month or so to adapt at this stage of his career.

I can't see Merson playing himself away from home, especially with younger legs capable of playing that role in Corica, Daryl Taylor and Leroy.

A word for Julian Bennett who was solid, and gave as good as he got all through the game. He was caught with a couple of particulary nasty tackles, but still kept working, and looked quite lively going forward.

So, a promising performance in the last 20 minutes, and average one for the first 70. The referee can't take too much blame for the performance in the first half, because he gave us the penalty!

See, I didn't mention the ref until the last three lines.

By Percie ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 11:22 am: Edit

Yeah i go on the supporters sometimes! How you know? lol

Up The Saddlers

By wfc_2uk ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 11:29 am: Edit

Ill be there percy, i havent been to bournemouth before how long will it take? whats the ground like?

Anyway yesterday performance.
Considering it was a scorching hot day I thought we played quite well. This was a tester for so many players who havent played in this division and merse to see what this divisions like.Apart from the two goals i think mckinney did quite well. Emblen was man of the match. I wasnt impressed by Birch or merse they didnt seem to turn up.
Taylor,Williams and Jorge were all quality when they came on and you must ive huge credit to merse for making these subs when Colin would have defended 1-1 considering we was down to 10!
The referee was ••••• and to think he was up there with the best when the football league released the ref lists for this season.
Im looking forward to Tuesday Ill be happy with a point.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 11:32 am: Edit

RedAlways - Perhaps Ropes is too clumsy at times but for every error he makes there are 2 or 3 last ditch tackles to save conceding a goal. Would you swap him for Dean Smith?!

Ropes is a legend and if he was more of a "character" and had more belief in himself would be playing at a much bigger club and on much more money than he is earning with us.

By mizsaddler ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 11:34 am: Edit

I know who Jorge14 is!!!!

By Magic Man Fan ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 11:37 am: Edit

wfc_2uk - Its a new ground so not many people on here will have been there. Its only got 3 sides but looks impressive if basic. Depends what time you're leaving. You can do it in 2 and a half hours on a good day but with the traffic could take closer to 4 hours.

I think I'd settle for a point also. Bournemouth are a good side but I don't think Merse will be going for a point! Lets start winning some away games early to build the confidence.

With Leroy and Daryl Taylor coming on 15 minutes from the end we can beat anyone as long as we're within touching distance.

By Lukeyboy ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 01:21 pm: Edit

performance of the day....Iffy Onuora on that touchline! merse was right he's defo enthusastic! (sorry bout spelling)

By Magic Man Fan ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 01:57 pm: Edit

Yep, thats what we need a bit of passion on the pitch and on the bench.

Jorge14, I think you have an admirer

By Me2 ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 02:10 pm: Edit

I thought Iffy was going to break his foot. He was made for it!

By Me2 ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 02:11 pm: Edit

That should have been MAD for it, not MADE

By cat3 ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 02:11 pm: Edit

Good Result! Let's hope this will continue for another 40 or so games and we can get back to 1st divison.

BTW: I got your sms Pete, and I will check out the scmp for you. Hope you are having a splendid time back home. Give me a call when you get back, we will head for a few pints in Causeway Bay. I found this dandy place, awesome ribs with New York fries, terrific beers you and Irene will enjoy. See ya soon!

By Magic Man Fan ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 03:47 pm: Edit

I think Leamore is right and "the Sheff, Geoff and MMF on the ref" should become a feature on the site.

The 3 of us can use only one word to describe the referee's performance without discussing it with each other before posting!

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 03:49 pm: Edit

Good result. Crap performance.
Defence was ok. Midfield was completely useless. Not at all impressed with Wrack, Standing, Kinsella or Merson. We definately missed Osborn in midfield and the creative play maker Corica.
Up front well what can you say. Fryatt has still got alot to learn and Birch has nothing to learn as he is simply crap beyond belief, the bloke could not score in a brothel.
We need to play Leroy up front on Tuesday to add pace to our attack, even Geoff Whiting could run faster than Birch

By Jorge14 ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 04:15 pm: Edit

I suppose that could be good or bad MMF...

Who are you MizSaddler? I suppose you could be Elsie or 70's Man's mom, but I doubt they can use the internet.

I go on virtually every away game Percie.

By mizsaddler ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 04:38 pm: Edit

Now that would be telling! I go with Percie on the coach I was the one that got him coming with the supporters! No I'm not Elsie or 70's man's mom but I have got a strong feeling I know who you are!!! And no you don't have an admirer I'm happy with my chap thank you very much

By Jorge14 ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 06:02 pm: Edit

Well, if you are happy with your chap, you must be 70s Man...

I'm not Mark by the way.

By 70's Man is Back. ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 06:30 pm: Edit

Three points was the the object and that's what we obtained.

Keeper only one mistake which gave them their second goal, midfield not ticking over has should be and we only looked like scoring when Williams, Taylor and Leitao came on.

Birch just a waste of space, when he did win a header he put it in to touch or there was no one there to feed off him.

When was the last time we had three goal scorers in a match that was sixteen, seventeen and eighteen years old.

Jorgie14 I hope your girlfriend is not punching your lights out with all the attention you are getting on here.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 08:03 pm: Edit

Not biased for your midfield choices then Sheff

They weren't good yesterday I admit but I think Broad would have made a difference instead of Standing. He's got more legs and strength. The heat can't have been easy for the older players.

I know its going to be difficult to convince you but I guess you had to be at the Villa game to see how well Kinsella, Wrack, Broad and Merse can work together.

The good thing is we won when the midfield were probably as bad as they can get, so imagine what we can do on a good day.

By Bristol Saddler ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 08:22 pm: Edit

McKinney - Good if not spectacular performance for 89 minutes, hopefully thats his one mistake of the season! Couldn't organise a defensive wall if his life depended on it! 6/10

Bazeley - Slow obvioulsy and occassional stupid mistake, better when game was down to ten each. But surely one of the kids is better! 6/10

Roper - sound as ever. Harsh sending off! 7/10.

Emblen - solid as a rock. Tower of strength when Ropes dismissed! 8/10

Bennett - Excellent, great performance, high energy, brave and solid, still learning. 8/10

Wrack - The best of a bad midfield - 7/10
Kinsella - Okay, shows promise - 6/10
Standing - Worked t*ts off, did nowt else - 6/10
Merson - Poor, can do better - 6/10

Fryatt - Okay, tried and worked, has a lot to learn, good pen gives him an extra point - 7/10

Birch - Two great defensive headers, f*ck all else - 4/10

Williams - New Bescot God! Fast as f*ck! Great Goal - 9/10

Taylor - See Williams, less spectacular goal! Good performance - 8/10

Leitao - Super layoff for Leroy! - 7/10



By cannock ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 09:45 pm: Edit

Are you saying Broad has some kind of disability then MMF. I thought a standard 2 legged player was the order of the day.

Oh, and Kinsella shows promise - wet my pants

By Bristol Fan ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 09:52 pm: Edit

I thought we did OK - not spectacular (well, apart from the young subs) but sufficient. We weren't at our best, but we were playing a team that did OK last year and looked streets ahead. I thought our midfield would be our key asset but in truth they were our most disappointing yesterday - I was surprised when Standing went off, but that was mainly because I'd forgotten he was on; Merse was somewhat disappointing; Wrack did OK; Kinsella seems the sort of player who will do good work for the team but supporters might not like because so much of it is in off-the-ball stuff, plugging gaps etc (eg Osborn perhaps). Defensively we looked solid, Bennett did well (though I would say if it weren't for the novelty factor of him being young and not having played before, people wouldn't think he was a better option than Zigor), Roper did what he's done virtually every game since he's been here, ie give away too many free kicks and not know what to do with the ball when he has it, but be absolutely vital and as strong as a rock in defence, Emblen was rock solid as well, Bazeley was fine. Not too sure about the keeper - he saved some shots well, but wasn't in the best position for the first goal and obviously the second was a calamaty, but let's give him time. Up front, I thought Birch was pretty useful, an improved player without a doubt, and Fryatt looks like a man who'll score us a few goals.

I wonder what changes there'll be for Tuesday. No Roper obviously, perhaps Bennett will move across and Taylor will go in at left back but I would imagine Dakinah will play. I wonder whether Merse will play himself - perhaps not, but I wonder who would fill that role - seems like Corica's out of the picture.

Ref was awful but I wouldn't say the worst I've seen. As others have said, most of the free kicks he blew for were probably correct, but of the bookings only Bennett's looked that justified (and perhaps the Vale player done for timewasting). Besides, I still remember Paul Danson against Sheff Utd a couple of seasons ago.

By Me2 ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 10:05 pm: Edit

Bristol, Although not agreeing 100% with you, one of the better and most sensible views on the match.

There are some fans around that seem determined to put us down as soon as they can (even though we won the game and were the much better team).

By RedAlways ( on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 10:51 pm: Edit

Roper does have a huge potential - my point is that he needs some coaching to refine his game. He goes in for big tackles when perhaps he should sometimes hold back. His clumsy style perhaps persuades poor refs to give free kicks and bookings when they should not.

If he keeps on getting sent off his confidence will be affected and his timing will get worse. He may never be a Bobby Moore, but there is more in him than we are seeing.

In the meantime, Bennett can play centre back, with Kris Taylor coming in at full back. I believe however that the goalkeeper, centre backs, centre midfield and the strikers are the backbone of the team. They all have to be dominant, in a way that is less true for full backs and wide midfielders /wingers.

We need two strong, confident, experienced centre backs if we are to top the league. Allowing for suspensions and injuries, we need a third option.

Interesting to see Ritchie's gone to Dundee Utd. Not exactly matches his ego does it.

By Exile ( on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 04:39 am: Edit

Very pleased with a win first up. Now let's hope the rest of the season doesn't develop along the lines of last year's unspectacular effort.

Here's to a play-off slot at the least

Cheers all,

By Geordiesaddler ( on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 10:36 am: Edit

Only thing that mattered was getting 3 points from a tricky looking fixture, there will be many more afternoons like that this season as we try to get out of this god awful division.

The first 75 minutes proved yet again (as if the entire 2003/4 season wasn't enough of a hint), that if we play 4-3-1-2 you have to have pace in attack and midfielders who are prepared/capable of getting beyond the forwards, otherwise we are very easy to play against. Standing didn't do his job and I would give Broad a try, if nothing else then because its 2 games in 4 days, ditto Corica for Merson. I'd go with Taylor alongside Fryatt, with Jorge, Merson, and Williams on the bench for Tuesday.

Some interesting results elsewhere. Much fancied Tranmere, Sheff Wed, Stockport, and Bristol City all coming unstuck against relegation favourites.

By mizsaddler ( on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 10:59 am: Edit

I didn't say it was Mark but theres only one person who goes on the supporters coach who says Statistics man!!!!

By mikedoyle ( on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 11:30 am: Edit

I too thought that Vale was a tricky fixture,they had a good season last year,had a point to prove against us,and were fired-up with good support.
Despite that we looked the classier team,but were given a hard time by their hard-work and effort.
Our injection of pace killed them off,but I wouldn`t be inclined to abandon our more patient approach just yet,agree about Broad,but definitely prefer Taylor as a winger,more space and less pressure out there.There will be alot worse teams to play yet so let`s wait and see.
What is a real bonus is that we have real options on the bench something we were totally devoid of last season.

By Jorge14 ( on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 12:40 pm: Edit

You on the coach tommorrow Miz?

I agree with Mike, we have options this season, and options that are likely to be used. Corica won't have an unbroken spell of 30 games like in 02-03 if he is playing badly, Merse won't keep himself in if he is ineffectual (I doubt he will play himself away from home). I think Broad will get his chance tommorrow, and I can see Williams or Daryl Taylor being given the "Merson" role tommorow night.

By WarsawPact ( on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 12:41 pm: Edit

7 Bookings, 2 sent from the pitch, 2 sent from the dugout, a Saddlers win, lots of controvesy.

Just add mud and rain and you've got a typical Walsall/Vale match!

By mizsaddler ( on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 10:19 am: Edit

No jorge14 there were no tickets left when we went to get them so we've got to go with the club coach :s Not that i want to go with the other coach but its better than getting the train!!

By Mizsaddlerfriend ( on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 03:49 pm: Edit

So which one is Mark and which one is Jorge14? And who is 70's man? I'm all confused.

By Mizsaddler ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 12:51 pm: Edit

Who is Mizsaddlerfriend??

Jorge14 is Mark's little brother. They both sit on the back row of the coach.

By Mizsaddlerfriend ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 01:16 pm: Edit

Yes I gathered that but who exactly is Mark and Jorge14? Their names mean nothing to me. Explanation please.

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 01:35 pm: Edit

Sit on the back row of the coach ?

Do they moon and stick their fingers up at lorry drivers ?

I used to when I was on school trips

By 5add!3r5 ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 01:44 pm: Edit

Mizsaddlerfriend i know who you are!!!

By Leamore Saddler ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 01:54 pm: Edit

I'm not sure that Jorge14 would appreciate being described as a LITTLE brother - younger might have been better!

By the way, belated 16th birthday wishes to Jorge14. Did the old man buy you the full set of golf clubs that he promised?

I hope it's good news for you in a fortnight.

By Mizsaddlerfriend ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 07:20 pm: Edit

Who am I then? Do they really moon and stick their fingers up? I thought they were older than that especially if Jorge14 is the younger brother at 16?

By 70's man ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 08:40 pm: Edit

I am the ruler of the world !!

By mizsaddler ( on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 10:50 pm: Edit

I know who you are don't worry something or someone has given it away!!!

By 70's Man ( on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 07:13 pm: Edit

I know who you are to MizSaddler !!!!!!!!

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