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Luton (h) - League - 19th October 2004

Reports and reaction from the 2004-05 season as Walsall finished 14th in League 1
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Luton (h) - League - 19th October 2004

Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:10 pm

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:40 pm: Edit

2-0 to the Super Saddlers.
Merson and Fryatt.
Well done lads, best result of the season so far.
Has PM turned it round?
Comments please from people who went, I spoke to geoff at half time and he said we had played well and Luton were a little dirty!

By hullsaddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:43 pm: Edit

Well Mick Kearns thought we were excellent!

By happy saddler is that a contradiction? ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:44 pm: Edit

Woohoo that is awesome!
Bring on Brizzy.

By ken ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:49 pm: Edit

WHAT A WIN!!!!!!




By Surrey Saddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:49 pm: Edit

Here's my post again:What about that then. Just wish I was there. By the way: There's only one Paul Merson!! Any complaints from the usual suspects??? Onwards and upwards now I hope. UP THE SADDLERS

By Ian Gittins ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:15 pm: Edit

No complaints at all. Wanted Merson out a couple of weeks ago, am hoping he continues to do as well as this and proves us totally wrong. Good work, fella!

By Oxford Saddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:16 pm: Edit

I listened to the match over the internet. Seemed like the best performance of the season. At last the team seems to be coming together.

Best points to take from match:

We won.
Very pleasing about the clean sheet.
Good to have Fryatt back on the score sheets.
Encouraging to hear from all accounts that Gary Birch turned in a fine performance.
Players like Standing and Wright seem to be finding consistency.

As noted on an earlier post even Mick Kearns couldn't speak highly enough of the display.

By cheese bag ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:17 pm: Edit

LOVELY... Great one touch stuff, Birch well done!!! held the ball up and ran at them. Merson sublime flicks, Standing had plenty of energy, Bennett a rock again! Luton aren't a bad side and will be in the mix. Bring on Bristol.

By Geordiesaddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:21 pm: Edit

Brilliant result, and a decent performance from what I've been told. Great chance to build on this now with the games we have coming up. Proper keeper, experienced coach, and a reasonably settled line up with players playing in their best positions. Its amazing how simple things become, and how confidence breeds from such things.

You won't find me complaining Surrey, its about 3/4 of what I've been crying out for all season. and long may it continue.

One other point, a huge well done to Jeff Bonser for taking the situation by the balls.
Instead of the aloof hands off approach of the summer he has got back very much hands on by the sounds of it. I stand to be corrected, but was it not he that called for a settled team? He that instigated the behind the scenes changes (like I say correct me if I'm wrong), and he who has provided the funds to bring in the experience - unlike last season for example when we had to make do with Peterson.

There will be much made of Merson learning from mistakes, but to me Bonser is learning from his as well which is great to see, and tangibly positive rather than pretendy positive.

By belgian saddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:23 pm: Edit

a happy night, up the saddlers

By wfc_2uk ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:25 pm: Edit

SHEFFIELD start moaning now then, even you cant moan surely?!
We was OUTSTANDING. I said after the colchester game things seemed better at the club and after tonight we can see Merse has got his consistent side together and we was awesome. OK second half we seemed to step off the gas but produced the goods when needed.
Birch,Osborn and Merse-iah deserve a joint man of the match they all played well tho. Wrighty seemed to waste cross after cross but that will improve in time.
Luton wasnt impressive they seem to rely on set pieces more than our passing aproach.
Cant fault the lads tho, bring on Brizzie!

PS The ref was terrible tonight, so many fouls on murphy and bennett. But who cares.


By steve h ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:25 pm: Edit


GARY BIRCH was magnificent, strong, good in the air, held the ball up well and brought others into the game, ran himself into the ground.

OSBOURNE had a brilliant game, rock of the midfield, rarely wasted a ball, and put in some brilliant balls behind their defence
The thing about Ozzie is that he always gives 100%

worked his socks off yet again, perhaps should have gambled with a couple of crosses and come inside to receive the cross to put in the net.
His work rate is phenomenal, one minute on the attack trying to get to Wrighty's crosses, the next minute racing back to get a tackle in


Very disappointed with Luton, dirtiest,most physical side I,ve seen down Bescot for a long time
Anyway Great football again, thats three on the trot now, lets hope for better things.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:26 pm: Edit

Great performance tonight.

Luton were an organised but big, dirty, and physical side a bit like the old Chesterfield so I was chuffed that we carried on playing football and played em off the park.

Murphy - Assured when needed

Wright - Good all round display, got forward well again

Emblen - Immense, back to last seasons form

Bennett - Got knocked about a bit by their big thugs but stuck to his task.

Zigor - Fantastic. Looked really up for it with some nice silky touches and passes mixed with strong tackles and hoofed clearances!

Standing - Energetic and surprisingly got stuck in the tackle a lot.

Osborn - Better than usual with some nice longer passes and good tackling but still gave the ball away unecessarily.

Wrack - Worked very hard chasing around a lot and had a hand in both goals.

Merson - Immense again, really starting to take the p1ss now and has had more of a run of form already than he did last season.

Birch - Fantastic, did exactly what he's there to do. Won flick ons, held the ball up played some good passes and even chased around a lot to keep all his doubters happy. His hard work led to the first goal.

Jorge - His usual battling, hard working performance.

Fryatt - Reacted perfectly to being dropped. Looked much sharper when he came on than in the last couple of games. Persisted well with his goal.

All in all a great team performance against difficult opponents. Every was really up for it, worked really hard yet we still played some superb football. Just what I expect when I go to watch the Saddlers.

The unbeaten run is now definitely on its way.

By Georfield Ravensaddle ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:31 pm: Edit


By SheffieldSaddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:32 pm: Edit

wfc - How can I moan? We beat a team who were top of league and had only lost 1 match all season.
I was waiting for the predicted "Where Are The Moaners Now" response. And low and behold, you came up with it. Says something about you does it not?
Anyway, Well done to all the players, the manager and all the backroom staff.
I dont care and am big enough to say well done. Just like many others posters on this board a few weeks ago after Brentford and Huddersfield, I thought PM had come to a dead end.
As I say, Well done to all concerned.

By wfc_2uk ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:35 pm: Edit

Sheffield Im delighted with the result mate i aint having a pop. Im pleased that you can be "big enough" to say that. Are you coming to bescot saturday sheffield and watch us outplay Brizzie?

By steve holroyd ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:37 pm: Edit

well summed up mmf thought we were superb played some excellent one touch football & also didnt allow ourselves to be bullied out of it by an alehouse team. anyone who didnt know would of thought we were the team 8 points clear at the top.

By Wednesbury saddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:05 pm: Edit

I really dont understand this anti-Osborn stuff, the bloke cant do anything right. Lets face it, if he didnt have this wolves connection we wouldnt have this problem with him. I thought he was outstanding tonight. I aslo very impressed with Birchy and Standing Tonight. Standing's ability to drive and attack the luton defence was very apparent. Onwards and upwards i think. Cumon you saddlers

By Magic Man Fan ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:10 pm: Edit

What anti Osborn stuff? I just mentioned he gave the ball away unecessarily at times which he did and does too often in every game for my liking, otherwise he played well like he has in the last few games.

Why do people have to keep bringing it down the the Wolves connection? Thats just an easy argument and one which still doesn't make sense. How many people do you hear slag Emblen off?

By sj ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:11 pm: Edit

Osborn was both brave and creative tonight, my man of the match.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:14 pm: Edit

The good thing was sj man of the match could have gone to any one of about 4 or 5 players in my opinion, Osborn being one of them along with Emblen, Birch, Zigor and Merson. Thats what you want every week.

By Andrew Curl ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:16 pm: Edit

Beaten top of the league side with a clean sheet. Obviously good news. I thought we were fantastic, couple of niggles but other than that tonight we were the champions of league one.

By Salop Saddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:34 pm: Edit

Thought we did a good footballing job on Luton, though there were times when we could have let them back into the game, and that would have been criminal. We're still som way from being the finished article, but we're getting there.

By coxanddrummie ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:37 pm: Edit

Best performance of the season without doubt. We outclassed Luton tonight and more importantly for me we outbattled them. The Walsall team of a few weeks back would have crumbled against a side as physical as Luton but tonight they battled hard and totally deserved the win.

The confidence in the team glowed brightly tonight, we were buzzing. Every player played his part. Even Osborn had a great game, he protected the back four well and used the ball nicely too. Birch also had a good game, more of the same please Gary. Standing also was full of energy and the performances of those players were encouraging considering they have been classed as our weakest links in previous weeks.

Merson deserved his man of the match, he was immense tonight. It just shows what that bit of confidence can do to players. We defended and attacked as a unit and our concentration was great defensively particularly on thier dangerous set pieces.

So it's onwards and upwards now hopefully with another 3 points on Saturday. I just hope the team have turned the corner now and Merson can prove his doubters wrong including me by climbing the table because tonight we proved that we can be a match for anyone in this league. HOWAY THE LADS!!

By Steven Sheldon ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:39 pm: Edit

Well Salop Saddler just about sums up this board. Always looking for the negative. Still not happy, despite beating the league leaders. It's pathetic.

I'm actually happy that this site exsists you know, because it keeps all of you in one place, and stops your negativity spreading to people who know better.

By Me2 ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:42 pm: Edit


If we had played like that for all of the games so far WE would be top of the league. Credit to Luton, the best opponents so far this season - although very physical and trying to wind us up.

What have we got to be scared of? On tonights performance we could walk this season.

I am so happy for Merse. Chuffed to bits, proud to be a Saddler and fair play to Sheffield for coming on here and giving credit where its due.

By Me2 ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:45 pm: Edit


Salop isnt being negative, he makes a good point. We are still not the finished article, but thats good news! Once we are, we'll start thumping teams.

Salop is not one of the negative posters on here by the way. Look at C&D and Sheff, and both have been man enough to congratulate tonights performance.

By Salop Saddler ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:46 pm: Edit

Steven Sheldon, Where the f*** was I negative!!!??? Where did I say I wasn't happy!!!??? I was VERY happy, and what makes me happier is the fact that there's room for improvement! Can I ask Steven, are you mad?

By saddlerken ( on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:54 pm: Edit

Can see why Luton are top, they cheat, foul, kick, hoof and I can see how it must have been effective this season. No surprise with Mick Hartford shaddowing Newell. Thought everyone played well, no one had a bad game. Merson on this form simply won't be stopped. Well done lads, the run must continue.

The ref was weak and was bullied by Luon (at least that's what their fans sing, what happened to the 't'?)

By RedAlways ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:04 am: Edit

Absolutely great to see a Merson goal again, just what was needed for him.

How can a team go from being so bad against Brentford, to that good in a few games. It's not just Iffy, or Murphy, or Emblen coming back in, or Merson enjoying himself, or ....

An amazing turn around. Funny thing is, I think they can play a lot better, even though the passing was excellent and the determination immense.

Its also good to read positive comments from Sheffield, C&D, etc. Someone is going to get a thrashing one day!

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:05 am: Edit

Me2 - No problem. I am a Walsall fan at end of day and always want us to win. I said on another thread that if we got 4 points from Wrexham, Luton and Bristol City I would be happy. So I am really happy already with a match still to go
Last 3 matches we seem to have turned a corner, before we were winning at home but not playing well, now we seem to be playing well and still winning and on top of it being fully organised like a decent team should be.
Just hope we can continue this against City on Saturday who are undefeated in 6 matches I think.
Then the tough 4 matches, with 3 away from home.
But if we keep our organisation, away wins will soon come.
And once again. Well done to everyone tonight.

By Steve Roy ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:10 am: Edit

Delighted with the result tonight. I said to my mate (the Luton fan) we would get it right for 19th October - my 30th - and Merson has got the lads ticking on cue. No surprise the Town were dirty - Luton know nothing better - anyone who has spent a few hours in the town centre will know why. Well done to all the lads, play-offs are now just six points away.

If memory serves, this is Walsall's fifth win out of six over the hapless Hatters. The other was a 0-0.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:12 am: Edit

It seems their fans saw the game differently to us. http://www.lutonfc.com

By Exile ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:12 am: Edit

a crowd a shade under 6,000 on a Tuesday night is pretty darn good too - looks like the numbers of the faithful hardcore fans have swollen a little over the last couple of years.

By Magic Man Fan ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:17 am: Edit

To be fair Luton bought a fair few about 1,000 at least I'd say. But at least our fans were more encouraging and vocal tonight. Lets keep it up.

By Leamore Saddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:34 am: Edit

Super performance tonight but I feel that some of the above postings are a little "over the top" about Luton. Certainly, there was only one team that tried to play football the "proper way" and it wasn't Luton but to call them dirty was a bit extreme.

They are a very physical side but 95% of it is quite legal (the other 5% revolved mainly around Howard). They are fit, fast and very hard-working and this can cover up a multitude of shortcomings in other areas. Their 19 year-old centre-back was every bit as good as ours (and that's quite a compliment!). Howard posed a constant threat all evening, both legally and otherwise (he's an absolute pussy compared with George Kirby and Bernie Wright, though ).

The difference was that they are very "cute" and "streetwise" at using their physical strength whereas we are very naive, at times. If you try to tackle from the wrong side, as we often try to do, you will usually fall foul of the referee. Let's face it, if we added Luton's physical ability to our skill we would have the league wrapped up by Christmas!

My main criticism of the referee was his failure to deal more firmly with the crowding of the goalkeeper technique at corner-kicks and free-kicks.

Re saddlerken's observation about Lu'on, I agree
- since when did they drop the 't' out of their name and insert the glottal stop - a hideous London habit.

Bring on Bristol City!

By Exile ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 02:42 am: Edit

Steven Sheldon, with all due respect to your opinion, give it a rest. The regular vitriol you are spouting at a select group on this message board is far worse than that of the people you say are being divisive and negative. You've made your point, now please can you move on?


By cat3 ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 02:54 am: Edit

that's more like it.. finally... gotta keep this up, otherwise I will get very upset with the quality of talents we have in this squad... go go saddlers!

By Walsall Supporter ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:14 am: Edit

Great performance, the one touch football in the first half was awesome, we could of been four or 5 nil up at the end as we created chances,
And agree nice to hear the vocal support.
And of course the highlight was Ken Dodd singing "Happiness" as we were leaving LOL

What a night!
I would of given Emblen the MOM over Merson though.

By MR D DOFFER ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:51 am: Edit

DOffer Here,

Well, after 8 games the silver platter came out from cocks in Dummies MFI cabinet and he duly wanted the Head of a GREAT walsall player & improving Manager - Mr Paul " john the baptist " Merson.

Class can never be undermined, it can never be mis-interperrated, it is never lost and will always, always stand alone, head & shoulders above the rest.

Hope is a superb four letter word used by many a saddler down the years, that word under a great football individual will re-incarnate itself into a phrase of "Belief in achievment to come".

The doubters are dissappearing, the believers are returning.

Well done to all of you doubters who have held your hands up, the MERSE is here to stay, why, because CLASS should never be under-estimated and without that certain class - achievment is very unlikely.


By BABELKO ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 09:13 am: Edit

I said it even when we was doing crap, that MERSE shouldnt be sacked I had total faith all along. I also said that BIRCH should have been playing all along he was great last night i havent once run him or MERSE down!
What a class act last night

By TJ Langford ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 09:31 am: Edit

thats more like it saddlers.
keep it up.
we still need to sort out our away form.
WELL DONE MERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!

By LarryHagler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 09:31 am: Edit

Merse like any great manager in History needs time. He blatantly wasnt given any by some supporters to this board. Last night football prevailed against a Wimbledon of old type of team which did not suprise me knowing Ray Hartford was assistant at Luton.
We look like a different team at the moment, good one touch football, hard working, and determined. Dont forget we also have the best player in this division - PM. I think the reasons for our up turn happen to coincide with Merse playing out of his skin and having a decent reliable GK - both have given huge confidence to the team.
Bring on city.
Keep the faith.

By RobP ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 10:04 am: Edit

I think the the ref (that Coy fella) needs shooting.

im not joking, he needs his job taking away straight away. awful, pure awful. worst refereeing ive ever seen.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 10:16 am: Edit

StaffsSaddler, you wanted an honest opinion.

Easily the best we have played this season, for the second home game running. Luton very, very physical and the defnce coped superbly after the first 15 or so minutes getting used to them. Emblen superb throughout. Wright still not sure about as a full back, but it was his crossing let him down last night. Bennett as sound as usual. Aranalde, good solid game.

Now the real heart of the team, the midfield. Standing brilliant on the ball at times, though I do worry about his defedning. Wrack worked his socks off and played his part in the first goal really well. Merson - didn't see as much of th ball, as they were trying to deny him space. All that did was give the others more room, however, and he was brilliant when he did get it.

Leitao worked his socks off without really threatening and Birch had his best game in the jersey, at home, at least. Lead the line superbly. Fryatt did his job - he scored!

Ah, I hear you say, you've left someone out! Yes, it was quite deliberate. I don't understand how anyone could possibly have criticised anything about Simon Osborn's performance last night. he was absolutely magnificent and even took responsibilty for dealing with that man mountain they brought on in the second half. You have to earn the right for players like Merson and Standing to play and he did it last night in bucketloads. He was head and shoulders the most effective played on the pitch, even if others were more brilliant at times. You need effectiveness as well.
Downsides? Yes, you need areas for improvement, in the spirit of continous improvement. I'm still not sure about Wright as a full back and we were defending too narrow second half, giving them speca especially on their right wing. We seem to have solved the problem going forward getting some width with this formation, but not when defending.
Standing also worries me when defending.
All in all, a very good, solid and, at times, brilliant performance, which should be far too good for this division. It looks to me that the problem was more to do with Iffy all along, although Merson will have decsions to make soon as injuries stack up.
Oh, the ref was from the Premiership and, therefore, a complete joke.

By Me2 ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 10:41 am: Edit

Yes Neil. I was thinking about what would happen when the injuries stacked up this morning. I guess that will be the time to get some loans in.

Not sure if I missed soemthing, but where was Kinsella last night? Dropped or injured?

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:02 am: Edit

Injured, accoprding to the official site. No details.

By The Original Georfield Ravingbore ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 01:22 pm: Edit

Drat Drat and Double Drat,the omens were not good when Kinsella passed me in the stand,i can always rely on him for a crap perforance and he is a Merson signing.Sitting back in my smugness waiting for the Luton onslaught i nearly choked on my Bovril when M****N fired home after six minutes,what the hell was Birchy doing whipping over a quality ball after all hes not fit to wear the shirt,at least he didnt score.From then on it got worse and worse everyone played bloody well,even Aranalde was tackling,still only one nil.
At last a break Jorge has gone off,we will never score another surely? after all its only Fryatt should'nt he still be at Carlisle? double bugger he has just scored 2-0 oh dear.Hold the Merson out out out statement to radio WM.
Final score 2-0 everone wearing red has let me down,i expect worse,no i demand worse.Still 2 and a 1/2 swallows do not make a summer.Roll on saturday it could be back to normal then i hope i prey,oh excuse me i just need to wipe an excessive amount of egg off my face,now where is that flat fish.
M****N Out m****N out anybody with me!!!!!
typical on me own again.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 01:40 pm: Edit

Oy git, give your name out, so we can all have a laugh.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 01:45 pm: Edit

Obviously can't read, as I'd like to know when I have ever criticise Kinsella, Birch or Fryatt, or Aranalde in those kind of stupid terms, when I have ever said that I'd be happy if we lost and when I have ever said that, if Merson gets it right, I would be anything other then deliriously happy. Typical cheap, nasty, vindictive, small minded behaviour.

By Alan ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 02:15 pm: Edit

Great post Mr Ravingbore. Very funny. I'm just waiting for the next poll (on a certain fans site) predicting how long The Merse has got left in his job.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 02:23 pm: Edit

We have'nt had one predicting that. We did have one asking how long we should give him to start getting it right. Would you like me to put one on? Personally, I think you're being a bit previous now we've got rid of Iffy and some common sense seems to be ruling, but, if that's what you want . . . .

By Alan ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 02:33 pm: Edit

No you're alright Neil. I forgot about that poll you ran - sometime back in September wasn't it?

Now that's what I call "being a bit previous..".

By Geoff Whiting ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:36 pm: Edit

Neil I wouldn't bother with 'em mate.

After a great night like last night, you'd think these idiots would have more constructive things to do and sensible comments to post, rather than coming on with cheap meaningless jibes.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:52 pm: Edit

I know Geoff, but it's such fun when they obviously havn't read things properly (like that poll was how long do you want to give Merson, not how long will he last, and one option was leave him alone), or they get caught up in tautologies, which they do on a regular basis.
The problem is, you see, that they get caught up in the cult of personality and forget the club is what's important. I get accused on not liking Merson. What has "liking" got to do with it? We could have Saddam Hussein or Mother bloody Theresa in charge and it wouldn't matter to me, the only thing that would is points on the board and league position. That's why I'll be deliriously happy if Merson turns out to be another Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger, because that'll mean the club is sucessful. If he doesn't he'll have to go and it doesn't matter whether he's a nice guy or not. Dead simple really, why do people find it so hard to accept?

By Alan ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:53 pm: Edit

Personally I think the idiots are those who were slagging off Merse not so long ago.

Still, perhaps we can have a poll on it. Who is the biggest hypocrite on this board?

By BABELKO ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:55 pm: Edit

Yep agree Alan, they were all hoping Merse got the sack, and that Birch wasnt fit to wear a Walsall shirt! I bet they arent saying that now!
I had faith in them both.

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 04:27 pm: Edit

Sorry, you didn't adress this point:-

The problem is, you see, that they get caught up in the cult of personality and forget the club is what's important. I get accused on not liking Merson. What has "liking" got to do with it? We could have Saddam Hussein or Mother bloody Theresa in charge and it wouldn't matter to me, the only thing that would is points on the board and league position. That's why I'll be deliriously happy if Merson turns out to be another Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger, because that'll mean the club is sucessful. If he doesn't he'll have to go and it doesn't matter whether he's a nice guy or not. Dead simple really, why do people find it so hard to accept?

It is results that matter and the club's league position. I don't give a toss who is the manager as long as they are succeeding. If we go on a bad run and end up back in the bottom four, I'll be calling for him to go again, if we carry on improving I won't. I still don't see what's wrong with that.
He was, quite rightly, under pressure, he got rid of the coach, who seems to have been the major problem, stopped chopping and changing the team every game, played players in their correct positions and is playing a settled team. Job done, I'd have thought.
If he carries on like that, all well and good, if not, well you know the answer. If he got offered a job at a higher level tomorrow, he'd show us no loyalty, so why show him any? It's a results business and he has to deliver results, pure and simple and continue doing so. It is the be all and end all of the job.

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 04:29 pm: Edit

BABELKO - Can I just clear a few points up.
1. I want PM to succeed.
2. I want Walsall to win every match.
3. I am a loyal Walsall supporter of 25 years.
4. In regards PM. Yes, I like many others have questioned his judgement on many issues since he took over. Mostly signings, tactics and formation. As a long standing loyal Walsall fan, and as this was a message board, I felt I could do this.
5. Many people question Birch. I have said before, he has 1 good game, builds us all up and then lets us all down. If he brought consistency to his game, then he would stop people like me and many others doubting him.

By Jorge14 ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 04:30 pm: Edit

Cracking result. All 12 that played gave a fantastic performance, credit to Ozzy and Birchy in particular, unfortunately, there were still a few fools having a go at Birchy and Ozzy well into the second half, i'm talking last 15 minutes here.

I was disapointed with Merson prior to the last couple of weeks, credit to him for pulling it all together, and leading by example. A superb peformance yesterday. When he plays well, it lifts everyone.

Optimism is reborn...

By mikedoyle ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 04:48 pm: Edit

I agree that football in the Premiership is literally "a results driven business"let them keep it,however in our world it is much more than that.
We all know the score, ie no matter how well or badly we do,we are bound to our club for life.
So let`s not fall for this re-invention of football driven by Sky and the media feeding frenzy,we are much better than that.
Let`s keep a bit of blind faith and hope when things go badly and enjoy it when it goes well.
We are currently in that happy state of euthoria,enjoying a win, before the angst starts again on Friday of worrying about Saturday!

By coxanddrummie ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 06:26 pm: Edit

I think it's perhaps a little early for people to be spouting off about Paul Merson been the right man for the job just yet. May i remind those people that we are still in the bottom half of the table and we are still to win a game away from home this season.

I will gladly admit that in recent weeks that the situation has improved but those improvements will be measured over time not one or two results. As i have stated if Walsall are still in the bottom half of the table come Xmas then i feel it's fair to say Merson should be sacked as manager.

On the question of me wanting Walsall to lose games. That is a fabrication. The only time i ever wanted Walsall to lose a game was against Crewe at home last season because i genuinly beleived that would seal the fate of Colin cack Lee.

Now had that been the case perhaps the same people who were slagging me off for that will admit that if that happened this club would be now playing Championship football.

I told people at Xmas that Walsall would be relegated under that prat and it proved to be the case. Just because i adopted an opinion which in the end proved to be fact does that make me any less of a supporter. At the end of the day i only wanted him out so we could retain our place in the Championship.

Just because i have the ability to sense "wrongs" instead of supporting with "blind hope" that does not make me any less of a supporter. In fact probably more of one if you consider my opinion would have halted Walsall's slide.

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 06:47 pm: Edit

Cox - You also wanted Walsall to lose a match THIS SEASON under PAUL MERSON.
So when you say "On the question of me wanting Walsall to lose games. That is a fabrication. The only time i ever wanted Walsall to lose a game was against Crewe at home last season because i genuinly beleived that would seal the fate of Colin cack Lee."
You are either telling a lie or you have a very selective memory.

By coxanddrummie ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:32 pm: Edit

Oh yeah was that the Leyland daft. If you class that as a football match then you need your head testing. Personally im embarassed that the club is involved in such a non entity pathetic competition. I wouldn't even sacrifice the under 11's for that cup.

I would have forefitted the chance to play in that before been asked to enter it. In fact if Walsall got to the final of that competition and it was on the box, id turn over to watch Murder She Wrote on Uk Gold. It is a joke.

By dler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:38 pm: Edit


By SheffieldSaddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:08 pm: Edit

Dummie - On the 24th September you wrote this -
"I want Merson OUT OUT OUT. Im fecking booin the team tomorrow. I fecking want em to get thrashed cus i want that fecker OUT".
Correct me if I am wrong but on the 25th September we played Brentford at home in the LEAGUE.
So can you explain you statements above please?

By Fensaddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:09 pm: Edit

Missed it last night, due to childcare commitments, and I'll miss Saturday unfortunately - but sounds like my loss. A few weeks ago, I too thought, sadly, that PM's days were numbered. It does matter to me the calibre of person who succeeds as manager, and it is especially pleasant to see Merson succeed because, despite his flaws, he appears to be a decent and genuine human being. Whatever has made the change, and it could be a number of things, it is good to see the team playing to something like its potential.

By Fensaddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:12 pm: Edit

The explanation is Sheff, that he is nuttier than a squirrel's pantry. Just leave him to mutter in the corner. Glad you're in the land of the optimistic again - I prefer you when you're happy.

By Geoff Whiting ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:45 pm: Edit

Sorry to interrupt another semi-slanging match, but nothing's proven yet, one way or the other, so maybe both sides of this argument should wait and see instead of slagging off the other, otherwise maybe there'll be some serious egg on someone's face.

On the one hand, those who could not see PM pulling this one around. I think the day I heard PM on radio saying he thought he might as well pick the team for the next game with a set of lottery balls, well I think I was about to join that faction. But it now looks like he's going to do it, and he's well on the way with these last three games.

On the other hand, the faithful who could see nothing wrong and would tolerate no criticism as we dived steadily to 4th from bottom, maybe they will be proved right about the outcome, but it sure looked like blind faith there for a while.

I think neither was right, and neither was wrong, and so far the outcome is by no means certain, but for sure we would all benefit from getting behind the club, the manager, and the players, instead of continuing to slag one another off.

Do we or do we not all have one thing in common, the Saddlers? Or what ?

By dler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 10:25 pm: Edit

Supporting the Saddlers is one thing - a no-brainer as they say. Having to read the retarded drivel spouted by C&D is quite another. I can't work out whether he actually believes what he writes (in which case he's in desperate need of psychiatric help) or he's a very clever guy who is expert at winding us all up. No. I lie. He's a total nutter.

By Dave Roe ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:11 pm: Edit

Sheff, re. your point 4, on an above post.

I agree with your point that as this is a message board, you are quite entitled to air your views about Merson (or anything else that took your fancy).

What some of us find strange is the fact that the people who first aired their (strong) concerns about Merson on the message boards were the exact ones who demanded the same type of criticism about Lee stopped for the good of the club.

Bloody hell, if anyone had dared run a poll deciding how long Lee should be given I could give you at least half a dozen names of people that would have been right down the authors throat.

By SheffieldSaddler ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:34 pm: Edit

Dave - Why continue to go into the CL debate?
I have already explained the differences of this to the Merson situation a number of times.
Sorry, but I cannot be arsed again.

By RedAlways ( on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:38 pm: Edit

Where should Tony Butler stick his ticking Clock?

By Salop Saddler ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:04 am: Edit

As Geoff said earlier, there a far too many slanging matches taking place lately for one reason or another. I'm just pleased that the round pegs are sliping into round holes at last, and we're beginning to build up a head of steam. A good point has been made regarding our next few games. They're tough fixtures, and as such should put our recent improvement into some sort of perspective. It should be an interesting month.

Another thing Geoff said made me smile. Surely a prerequsite for being a Saddler is possessing bucket loads of 'blind faith' is it not!?

By Geoff W ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 07:35 am: Edit

Typical Geoff, one cheek firmly on either side of the fence

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:24 am: Edit

Dave, it all depends on where you thnk we should be going (and answers Mike Doyle's point at the same time). If you think that the club's business plan is to end up as a safely established mid table Championship team, which I think Jeff Bonser's plan probably is, then you backed Colin Lee as an experienced manager who had kept us up twice, could, you thought, have done it again and, unfortunately, were proved to be wrong.
Merson, in contrast, has only one job, and that is to get us promoted. He started off in a fashion more likely to get us relegated and was making mistake after mistake. Hopefully, he's learned from those horrendous mistakes (and sacking Iffy was the, by the look of it, the most important change - but don't forget who appointed him. You could argue it's hardly the actions of a nice man to sacrifice someone he said he regarded as a friend, rather than fall on his sword himself, by the way - but, you see, I don't care as long as he succeeds) and it's now ever onwards and upwards, with a bit of luck.
Does that answer your question? You see, it didn't matter if Lee was boring, if he'd have kept us up, it doesn't matter how charismatic Merson is if he doesn't get promotion. (Sorry, I'll rephrase that, get us in the play offs as a minmum. You can't legislate for what happens when you get to a knock out).

By mikedoyle ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:38 pm: Edit

My point really is that as a Walsall fan you "travel"in hope rather than expectation,now expectation has been raised over the last few years we are seeing a lot of division among the fans.
Trouble is expectation is always doomed to failure,witness now the big Premiership clubs where winning the title is now not good enough because there is always something else expected.
That kind of success always comes at a price,one which I wouldn`t pay,the kind where the corporates take over and the fan is marginalised.
As for Colin Lee,my main criticism is that in an effort to meet expectation,ie a bit better than survival,he took a pragmatic approach that was basically cautious,meant not playing the youth and investing in short term but expensive loans.
Personally I would prefer,exciting football that I feel a connection to, by way of some homegrown players, in this league than boring football in the higher league.

By Dave Roe ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:24 pm: Edit

I don't want to get into the CL debate again, nor do I think it's about CL being boring or Merson being charasmatic.

It's about people revising the "rules" to suit their personal agendas. Last season, when the wonderful CL came under a bit of stick, it was a case of "Get behind your manager and support your team". It was repeated so many times I presumed it was a hard and fast rule that these people believed in. Yet, before the summer was even out, the same people had broke their own "rule".

I'm not denying your right to air your views, but perhaps you should have thought of that last season when crying "unloyal" to every little criticism of CL.

By Dave Roe ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:26 pm: Edit

I don't want to get into the CL debate again, nor do I think it's about CL being boring or Merson being charasmatic.

It's about people revising the "rules" to suit their personal agendas. Last season, when the wonderful CL came under a bit of stick, it was a case of "Get behind your manager and support your team". It was repeated so many times I presumed it was a hard and fast rule that these people believed in. Yet, before the summer was even out, the same people had broke their own "rule".

I'm not denying your right to air your views, but perhaps you should have thought of that last season when crying "unloyal" to every little criticism of CL.

By Dave Roe ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:29 pm: Edit

I don't want to get into the CL debate again, nor do I think it's about CL being boring or Merson being charasmatic.

It's about people revising the "rules" to suit their personal agendas. Last season, when the wonderful CL came under a bit of stick, it was a case of "Get behind your manager and support your team". It was repeated so many times I presumed it was a hard and fast rule that these people believed in. Yet, before the summer was even out, the same people had broke their own "rule".

I'm not denying your right to air your views, but perhaps you should have thought of that last season when crying "unloyal" to every little criticism of CL.

By Dave Roe ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:35 pm: Edit

Sorry !

By Neil Ravenscroft ( on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:50 pm: Edit

Yes, but I told you the reasons for that and, if you noticed, also admitted I was wrong - after all we would have been playing in the Championship, otherwise. I still think it was a perfectly reasonable line to take though, on the evidence we had. As for Mike's point, fair enough, but I'd rather be watching a higher grade of football any day of the week.

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